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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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PATHS Ideas and Activities

Paths Quote of the Month for June

Nurturing Positive Relationships 


PATHS Resources on building and nurturing positive relationships at this stressful time.


Blog for parents and teachers on Relationships including lots of really brilliant PDF of activities! 


SEL - Brain Breaks - Consequences

SEL - Picture Book Guide - Hamilton's Hat

Study Guide for The Midnight Gang by David Walliams

PATHS - Everyone loves a compliment, especially when we are all in the one place for so long each day - ideas to help us all make each other feel better.

PATHS - Some discussion ideas and activities linked to popular novels you might find online at Libraries NI

PATHS - Social and Emotional Learning - Role with SEL - a game you need a dice for

Story which we can all relate to today: Daphne Stays At Home

30 Days of SEL - Social and Emotional Learning

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Fantastic Mr Fox Novel study pack

Novel Stick Man Picture Book Guide

CEOP link