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We look forward to welcoming all our P2 - P7 pupils back to school on Thursday 29th August from 9 - 12:15pm
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Multi Use Sports Surface - Photo Diary

Work began today on our new multi use sports surface, and we plan to keep a photo diary here in the Gallery section of our website. As work progresses photos will be added to the slide show below, most recent first. Keep up to date here!





Summer and New Term Developments (September - December 2012)

Our new pitch is now 'up and running' on a daily basis with everyone enjoying a variety of opportunities to use it. During this past term we have been been able to organise football each break-time, PE classes, IFA coaching sessions for children from P2 - P5, hockey coaching, and all this after a 'trial run' (sorry for the double pun) on Sports Day last June. In all this is proving to be an excellent facility. See below for some photos taken during the summer break when the first lines were added to the pitch.

More of the Past Uncovered

As work continues, more glass and stoneware artifacts have been uncovered. Among items of interest are a glass bottle with the company name, 'J. Patterson & Co. Ld' embossed on the side, a small brown glass 'Bovril' jar, and a number of stoneware jars, one complete with cork, which may have once contained ink and have been from Newry Grammar School (now Newry Teacher's Centre). Perhaps there are those reading this diary who can shed further light on these finds?

April and May Update

Work on our pitch resumed this last couple of weeks after an Easter break and the photographs below indicate the progress made. Fence posts are now in place, kerbs have been fitted to define the path around the pitch and the surface has been tarmaced ready for the final covering; we hope that all will be ready for our school sports day in June.

Friday 23rd March - Tuesday 27th March (2012)

Over the last number of days work continued on filling the pitch area with stones, compacting and levelling the surface and marking the perimeter lines. It is expected that the next stage in the process will include kerbing, and tarmacing before the playing surface is laid.

(More pictures added below)

Wednesday and Thursday 21st and 22nd March

Levelling work progresses.

Tuesday 20th March

We returned from our St. Patrick's Day break to find work continuing on the pitch - drainage now in place and ready for levelling.

Wednesday 14th March

The area is surveyed and levelled, and drainage pipes arrive.

Tuesday 13th March

Digging up the Past.

The continued removal of topsoil resulted in the unearthing of a 100 year old cream jar used by the Wigtownshire Creamery Company. The company, established in Stranraer in 1888, ran a branch in Ballymoney, Co. Antrim until 1920. The stoneware jars were manufactured by the Caledonian Pottery Company, Glasgow and were finished with a logo of a milkmaid. The example found indicates that it was used by the Ballymoney branch of the creamery.

Pictures available below.

Monday 12th March

Heavy machinery arrives. Top soil removed.

Friday 9th March

Work begins! Safety fencing put in place. Take care entering and leaving school!

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