Week beginning: Monday 4th May – Thursday 7th May
I trust you are all keeping well and hope you found the Spellings from last week manageable and hopefully found the suggestions for daily activities helpful. Again, complete what you feel is manageable for you and your child and don’t worry about getting everything completed. It is only a guide for what we would be doing if we were in school – I understand everyone’s situation is different. Remember we are off this Friday for the bank holiday so take a break from school work!!
NEWCOMERS – continue to work on revising initial sounds (CKEHRMD) as well as counting to 10. Work on completing ‘o’clock’ times on an analogue clock. See NEEWCOMERS folder in Home School Activities.
- Weekend news/Creative writing – You may continue to write your weekly diary or try some of the creative writing ideas.
- Linguistics & Spellings – (see Spelling lists and ‘Daily Phonics Suggestions’ in Home School Activities under Spellings)
APPLES - medial ‘e’ words (i.e. met, ten, vet) – I have attached work for you to complete.
1.You may use the word cards and pictures to help you ‘sound out’ and ‘blend’ the words. Continue to make this as fun as you can.
2.I have included some cut and stick activities for CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words with medial ‘e’.
3.You may continue to practice ‘sounding out’ and ‘blending’ using the Powerpoint for reading CVC words.
(Attachments – in Home School Activities/Literacy/CVC words).
PEARS – ‘ay’ sound (i.e. May, pay, tray) This week we are learning that ‘ay, ai, ey, a-e’ make the ‘ay’ sound. The action we make for this sound is as if we are hard of hearing and we cup are hand around our ear and say ‘ay?’. Give it a go! I have attached the action in the ‘ay’ folder this week. This sound can be quite tricky so if you need to just stick to the ‘ay’ version of the spelling or reduce the number of spellings that is fine.
1.I have attached a powerpoint for you to watch which has some fun activities to complete.
2.I have also uploaded a poem for you to read and highlight the sound - (‘The Stray Gray Dog’) You may do a sound/word search on the text. See activity pages.
3. Word sort - cut out and sort into the same spelling patterns, i.e. play, day, say go together, came, gave, shake would go together. There is an easy and a more challenging word sort this week.
Remember to try some of the suggested practical ideas with your phonics as well, i.e. paper square work for word building. All linguistics work is in the ‘ay’ sound folder in ‘Home School Activities/Literacy’.
- Reading – Thank you to those who have contacted me about logging on to MyOn. If you wish to log your child on to this online reading programme, please email myself or Mrs Morton for details. There is a link to this on ‘Online Activities’ and your child will be assigned reading books each week. You can also select your own books to read if you wish to read more. I would also suggest using OxfordOwl as listed on our suggestions for Online Resources. It is free when you sign up and has a great range of reading material at all levels.
- APPLES – Addition to 5 – You may complete pages 8 & 9 this week. The words ‘add’, ‘+’, ‘and’ and the ‘=’ signs are continued this week as well as new mathematical language introduced, ‘1/2 more’. Spend some time giving practical examples – vary the language used – what is 1 more than 5? 2 more than 4 is? 6 and 1 more? You can also create a word problem, ‘There are 5 coats on the pegs and 1 more is added. How many now?’ Remind your child that ‘1 more than’ is the same as the ‘number after’. We can also count along a number line or ‘count on’ in our heads. I have given you extra activity pages to complete on '1 and 2 more' if you wish to use them, see Home School Activities/Maths/Addition.
- PEARS - Subtraction – complete pages 27-29 in your Subtraction booklet. If you have not got this far don’t worry, do what you can and continue to try your best. The focus this week is on ‘word problems’ as well as new mathematical language ‘how many more?’
Word Problems – Complete page 27 in your work book. If you would like additional work on ‘word problems’ I have included ‘word problem challenge cards’, as well as an extra ‘word problem’ activity page. These are only additional resources if you wish to use them. All attached in Home School Activities/Maths/Subtraction.
‘How many more?’ (comparison) – Complete pages 28-29 in your work book. Practical activities to try first – Find objects around your home – line up 7 apples. Get 4 bananas and set a banana in front of the apples.
a a a a a a a apples
b b b b bananas
Ask: How many apples?, How many bananas?, How many more apples than bananas? Say that you can subtract (7-4) to find ‘how many more’. Repeat with other objects around your home as well as different amounts.
It may take practice comparing two sets to realise that the phrase ‘how many more?’ is associated with subtraction. Once your child understands this concept, move on to situations where lining up and matching is not possible (like on page 29). Practical activity – Label 3 boxes/containers with for example, 9, 5, 8. Take two of the boxes, i.e. 5 and 8 and ask ‘which box has more?’ Ask how they can find ‘how many more’. Lead to the idea of subtracting, writing the larger number first (8-5=). Repeat with other pairs of boxes.
- APPLES and PEARS Telling the Time (o’clock and half past times on an analogue and digital clock) – This year we have already looked at ‘o’clock’ and ‘half past’ times on an analogue clock. Over the next three weeks we are going to focus on ‘Time’ and revise over our o’clock/half past times as well as look at the digital clock. I have uploaded all the work in advance so you know what is being covered and can work on at your own pace. Only move on to the digital clock when you are confident telling o’clock and half past times on an analogue clock. Move at your own pace and try your best! Some of you may be able to do a quick revision of o’clock/half past on analogue and move onto digital.
1.I have uploaded lots of activity sheets on the different areas of Time. There are quite a lot so you do not have to complete them all. If you are confident in an area then you can move on. On the other hand, if you need to spend a little longer on an area then you should have plenty of activities to do so. See Home School Activities/Maths/Time.
2.www.teachingtime.co.uk is a super site for practical games on time as well as extra activity sheets.
Teaching points to remember:
ANALOGUE clock – when the BIG hand points to the 12 – we say ‘O’CLOCK’
When the BIG hand points to the 6 – we say ‘HALF PAST’ worksheet
DIGITAL clock – when it is ‘O’CLOCK’ we write 00 i.e. 6:00 for 6 o’clock
When it is ‘HALF PAST’ we write 30 i.e. 6:30 for half past 6
- ActivMaths – New maths games and activities have been assigned to you on ActivMaths so continue to log on and enjoy!
We will be continuing with our topic of ‘Animals in their Environment’. This week, we are going to look at Animal homes. Have a look at information books, posters, magazines or online and try to find out facts and information about Animals and their homes, i.e. a horses’ home is called a stable. How many animal homes can you name? I have attached a matching activity, where you have to match the animal to its home. If you can name the home that is even better!! Find attachment in Home School Activities/World Around Us.
Spelling rule
PEARS 1 & 2– various representations of the ‘ay’ sound
APPLES – medial ‘e’
play they
day grey
stay pray
away make
paid take
play pay
pray May
stay day
away hay
vet pen
yes let
bed hem
In the PEAR group I have made two spellings lists – PEARS 1 – is slightly more challenging. You will be able to judge which spelling list best suits your child. Also it is important to keep practicing those little CVC words as the medial sounds can be tricky so it would do no harm to practice the APPLES list if you wish.
See suggested Weekly Phonic Activities in Spelling folder.