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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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And What Do the Children Think?

 Part of the 'Welcoming Schools' philosophy to is to encouage every memebr of the school community to have a voice in what happens here; and the children have been adding their voice.

Our School ECO Committiee has been an important way of involving the pupils, as is the first step towards 'Class' and 'School' Councils.

But what have the children been saying?


Below are some of their thoughts on how Windsor Hill can be as welcoming as possible.


We asked them:

What Makes Our School A Welcoming Place?

And they said:

Our Motto - 'Care, Courtesy and Consideration'.

Our 'Playground Pals' Scheme.

The new Playhouse in the P1 and P2 playground.

The friendly teachers.

The different languages.

Being kind to one another.

Our MUGA Pitch

The new signs.

The ECO Board and ECO Flag.

The displays and posters and photos and frames.

The new 'Welcome' signs.

Our caring Principal.

The 'Best Classwork' board.

The classrooms.

The rules we have to keep us safe.

Our 'Worry Box'.

and we asked them:

How Can We Make School More Welcoming?

and they said:

A 'Suggestion Box'.

A School Council.

More 'After-School Clubs' with different activities, like:

Art and Craft
A Computer Club 
A Cooking Club;
A Dodgeball Club 
A Tennis Club 
A Model Club
P1 P2 Bible Club
A Magic Club...

and lots of other ideas too...

Flower beds.

More Car Parking Spaces.

A Bigger ECO Club.

A 'Welcoming Team'.

A Class Council.

More School Trips.

More Playground Toys.

CEOP link