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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Reading Comprehension - Sports Day

It's that time of year when we would be getting ready for Sports Day in school.  Unfortunately we can't all be together for that this year but we can take all take part in it in some form at home.  I know some of you have signed up for the Virtual Sports Day which is great, but even if you haven't you can still watch the videos and have a bit of fun at home.  So to get you thinking about what Sports Day is all about I've set you 2 activities below.


1. Sports Day Reading Comprehension - Read the information first and answer the questions that follow.  

2. On 'Bug Club' I have allocated all of you a book called 'Sports Day Snack Attack'.  Login into 'Bug Club' to read the book and answer the comprehension questions from the worksheet attached below.  

Here is one of the videos below from Healthy Kidz Virtual Sports Day.  There are lots more on their YouTube page if you want to take a look.  Have fun smiley

Week 4 - Obstacle Course

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