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April 2020 - Home Learning - Information and Work Activities



smileyHello everyone again,

I hope that you all had a great Easter and didn't eat too much chocolate! It's time now again to get back to some more "Home Learning", which I will post on this website, on our "class page" on a weekly basis, under different subject headings. The first instalment of this however, will cover the period Wednesday 22nd April - Friday 1st May. Please remember that all children learn at their own pace, so work through the material, (some of which will need to be printed), supporting them to complete what you feel is manageable on a daily basis - there is something for everyone! Most children will be able to complete the majority of this work, (after explanation) independently but some may need a little support with some activities. As before, please feel free to contact me via email at and remember to send me some photographs of your child working and having family fun time too. These photographs shall be added to our April "Home Learning" gallery of photographs. Thanking you all in anticipation and continue to take lots of care and stay safe.

                       Lots of hugs,

                                           Mrs Moore x.heart








Language and Literacy


  • Handwriting - Continue to form upper and lower case letters correctly and try to write neatly on the lines.
  • Writing sentences - showing an awareness that sentences need a capital letter at the beginning, a full stop at the end and finger spaces between words. Sentences also need to make sense. (Again, some children will require different levels of support for this - some writing independently / some requiring a little support to structure ideas and some will say what they want to write and an adult will write this for the child to copy).


  • Activities:
    • Look for sentences in story books - pointing to capital letters and full stops.
    • Complete (1) "Read and Copy" the sentences worksheet and (2) "Spring Sentences" worksheet - (circle the capital / uppercase letter and full stop in each sentence, using a coloured pencil, on these pages).
    • My Diary - continue written weekly entries - using your "useful" words on the "Learning Tree" in your diary and your knowledge of phonics to spell unknown words.
    • Independent writing - write about your favourite animal - again using your "useful" words and phonetic knowledge to spell other words. *Remember capital letters / full stops/ finger spaces etc for sentences. Draw a picture of your favourite animal too.



  • Revision - naming and sounding out all letters of the alphabet.
  • *(Those children working on s,a,t,p,i,n sounds before Easter, move on to group 2 sounds - naming the letters and identifying  c,k,e,h,r,m & d sounds).
  • Recognise the "ch" sound.
  • Activities:
    • Use sound cards in orange folders for quick recall of sound and letter names recognition for all alphabet letters - practise daily.
    • Introduce the "ch" sound. Cut out pictures of things beginning with this sound and stick on a page eg. "chocolate", "chips" etc.
    • Worksheet - make the "ch" book.
    • Look for items around your home beginning with "ch".


Talking and Listening:

  • Children recount and talk about their own experiences e.g Easter holidays / playtime at home etc – using details such as who, what, where, when and why. 
  • Use an extended range of vocabulary – acquired from stories and shared experiences.
  • Be able to ask and answer questions.
  • Listen to and join in with a range of stories, poems and rhymes.



  • Please continue to enjoy stories with family members at home, on the CBeebies website and continue to download eBooks and audio books from NI libraries and Oxford Owl. In the next instalment of our "Home Learning", I will send you information about an online reading programme, which some of the pupils in our school have started to use, called "MyOn".
  • Also enjoy information books about our current topic "Animals".
  • Please remember to continue learning to recognise all the words enclosed in your homework folder, in your first learning pack - to build up your sight vocabulary. Make sentences using your flashcards and read - practise daily.
  • Activities:
    • Continue talking about the "parts" of a book - "title", "cover", pages", "spine" and also the "blurb", "author" and "illustrator" etc.
    • Continue to recognise capital letters, full stops and sentences in books.
    • Identify some familiar words in the text.
    • Use knowledge of phonics to sound out unfamiliar words.
    • Identify characters, settings and endings (happy / sad) in stories.


Worksheet activities

*Remember all the fun and useful Literacy and Language websites, listed in your first learning pack:-










                      Mathematics and Numeracy:


Activities shall be set out for the different aspects of Mathematics and Numeracy for this period of "Home Learning" as follows:-


Note *(Those children who still have some activities in their "New Heinemann Mathematics - Numbers To 10" workbook and also in their classwork books to complete, please continue to work on at these, at your own pace. When you are confident counting, writing and recognising each number, introduce yourself to the next number). 


Numbers / Mental Maths:

  • Revision - count, write and recognise number values 0-5 / 0-10.
  • Revision - compare sets - more / less / the same (practical work) - use buttons, Lego pieces etc to compare sets with number values 0-5 / 0-10.
  • Revision - order number values 0-5 and 5-0 / 0-10 and 10-0.
  • Which number comes before / after / between - using number values 0-5 / 0-10.
  • Count orally 1-10 and then 1-20 - during your day e.g going upstairs, jumping in the garden, clapping your hands etc


Measures / Time:

  • Name days of the week - practise daily.
  • Using "time" language sequence events - what happened after / before (worksheets) and "Time Machine" activity - (cut and stick).
  • Talk about "special" times in the day - day and night /morning and afternoon - (worksheets to complete).
  • Revision - Name lots of items that tell us the time.
  • Revision - identify numerals on the clock face. ("Whole Class Clock")
  • Identify the "hour" and "minute" hands on the clock face. ("Whole Class Clock")
  • Recognise "o'clock" times on an analogue clock (within 6 /12) - Talk about the position of the "hour" and "minute" hands.
  • Record "o'clock" times. (worksheets)
  • Match analogue and digital "o'clock" times (within 6 /12). (worksheets)










Time Worksheets

Additional Numeracy online resources to help with your learning:-


Numeracy -   (Time & Numberwork)






                                                              THE WORLD AROUND US

We shall continue work on our topic "Animals" in connection with our sub-topic "Spring". If possible, try to go for a walk with your family, to observe some Spring seasonal changes - in relation to the weather, animal and plant life. Look out for e.g flowers growing, buds / leaves on trees, birth of baby animals e.g lambs, birds building nests, warmer weather etc. This week we shall be thinking about the life cycle of the frog. 


  • Activities:
    • Identify living and non-living things around your home.
    • Watch "From Egg To Frog In 7 Weeks!" on YouTube. Talk about the changes - frogspawn - tadpoles - froglets - frogs etc
    • Sequence the life cycle stages of a frog using the given pictures and worksheet - (cut and stick).

Life Cycle of a Frog










All About Me - (P.D.M.U)

As we enter our final term in Primary 1 and as we are still not together in our classroom in Windsor Hill, we are still thinking about ourselves and the importance of our families, especially at this time.


  • Activities:
    • Look at photographs of your family members.
    • Paint a picture of a tree with no leaves. Cut out some paper leaves and stick a photograph of one of your family members on each leaf. Stick the leaves to your tree to make a "Family Tree".









                                                                     ART / CRAFT

Topic artwork (Animals / Spring):-

  • Activities:
    • Make a Spring hat.
    • Make an animal mask using a paper plate.











                                                                    PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES.















April "Home Learning" Photographs - lots of school work and fun too!




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