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Welcome to the new school year at Windsor Hill PS. We look forward to lots of fun and new learning.
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November - "People Who Help Us"

Our learning topic this month is "People Who Help Us". To develop our understanding of the work of a bus driver, Sophia's daddy kindly offered to take all the children in Primary 1 for a bus ride in a double decker bus to the bus depot, where we went through the big bus wash. We then went to Newry train station, where we travelled on the train to Portadown. Whilst in Portadown, we had a picnic and had great fun also at "The People's Play Park". We were very tired coming back again on the train to Newry and on the bus to school. We want to say a huge thank-you to Alan for organising this trip for us. We had the best day ever! We hope that you enjoy looking at the photographs of our trip.

“Odd Socks Day” - “Say No To Bullying”

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