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Our "Macmillan Family Tea/Coffee Parties" - 2022.



Once again this year, the children in Mrs Moore’s and Mrs Jennett’s Primary 1 and Primary 2 classes held their annual tea/coffee parties, in aid of the Macmillan cancer support charity, in their own homes surrounded by their lovely families.

            This event is always an excellent opportunity to offer our little pupils a “real life” learning experience - to develop their understanding of how they can help others, whilst raising much-needed funds for this very important charity. The children all had great fun making their  buns in school and were very excited to take them home for their family parties.

            A huge thank-you is extended to all the parents who supported their child by hosting a party with them, who so kindly donated money to the Macmillan charity and who sent some lovely photographs of their parties for our school website - proving indeed that - “Nothing Stops A Macmillan Coffee Morning!” 

            Thank you very much for this wonderful support.

                                                            Love: Mrs Moore x heart


heart Bun Making Fun In Primary 1 heart

Our Family Parties!

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