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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Hello Primary 3 & 4


Another week is over and you have been working so hard! Our class has read 44 more books than last week!!! That's amazing!! There has also been lots of activity on Active Learn.


As we get closer to the Easter holidays, continue to complete the work inside your Home Learning Packs and challenge yourself with some of the Numeracy and Literacy games found on our 'Online Learning' link.


Unfortunately we are not able to have an Easter egg (or bunny) hunt in school but why don't you try one in your house! Look at some of the ideas on the Easter link, on our class page, for some inspiration to keep busy over the holidays. Please email me any of your creations or photographs of your activities and I will try to upload them to our class page! 


Talk to you soon 

Mrs Chapman

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