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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Active Learning - History and Geography - The Vikings

Primary 6 have been learning about the Vikings. The first question we asked was, "Where the Vikings came from?" To help us answer this question we located the countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark using atlases and a map of Europe. Then, to help us investigate this a little more, we also created 6 large maps of Europe, using Map Maker kits from National Geographic Education. We worked together in teams to piece the map together, learning about the location of other countries as we went along.


In addition to developing our Geographical skills and knowledge, we also learned about co-operation and what it means to work together by sharing ideas and listening to one another.


Have a look at what we have achieved so far - we hope you like it (especially the time-lapse videos!).



Map Maker Time-lapse 1

Still image for this video

Map Maker Time-lapse 2

Still image for this video

Map Maker Time-lapse 3

Still image for this video

Everyone at Work - Slide show

CEOP link