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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School!

Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School - Give Us a Story!

It can be very scary, even for a Stegosaurus... How will Harry and his dinosaurs fare on their first day at school?

Watch and listen to the story 'Harry and the dinosaurs go to school'. 


Discuss how Harry feels throughout the story and how YOU felt when you began school or a new school year. 


How did Harry treat the new boy who was upset when his mummy left? What good qualities did Harry have in being a friend to the new boy? 


What do you think makes a good friend and how can we make people feel welcome in our class and school?smiley 



Complete the 'Welcoming Dinosaur' below. Write qualities of a 'welcoming' and 'kind' friend on each of the plates and cut and stick them on to the dinosaur when finished. 

Welcoming Dinosaur

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