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Applications for P1 for September 2025 are now open and will close on Friday 24th January 2025. Please contact school or use the link on our website to access more information on how to make your application.
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Hello everyone! (27.03.20)

Hello to all my Primary 2 boys and girls. I hope you and your families are all well. Mrs Morton and I miss seeing you every day but hope you are enjoying being at home with your families. I hope you got the home learning packs we made for you and hope everything makes sense. If not don't be afraid to email me and ask me about it. It will take us all a little time to get used to being at home and hopefully we will be able to continue our learning together. Hopefully you and your parents will be able to establish a routine that suits you all. Take things slowly and don't be worrying about having to complete all of the work by a certain time. Keeping everyone happy and well is very important. I have added photographs of Our Class Book and Our Big Book of Maths to our class page and hope you enjoy looking back through the photos of all the fun things we have done this year in Primary 2. Please don't be afraid to send me photos of what you get up to or of any wonderful things you may do or make. Take care of yourselves and make sure you get outside for plenty of exercise and fresh air if possible and if it is safe to do so. Keep an eye out on our website for any updates. Thank you. Mrs Jennett  
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