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We look forward to welcoming all our P2 - P7 pupils back to school on Thursday 29th August from 9 - 12:15pm
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Coronation Celebrations For King Charles III

                                                 Celebrating The Coronation Of A New King - Charles III            

On Friday 5th May, we celebrated the coronation of our new king, Charles III. We had a big party outside with lots of fun and games, a picnic lunch and lots of dancing to end our celebrations. It was the best day ever and the sun shone for us as well!

Dressing up as princes and princesses.

Our “Eco Crown 👑” competition.

The Primary 1 “Coronation Bake-Off”.

Our outdoor picnic.

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All the fun of the day 😀.

Fun for everyone.

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Happy lunch time,

Finally - Dancing fun for everyone!

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Showing our best moves 🥳!

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