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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Hello everyone J 


I hope you had another productive week. We are getting closer to the summer holidays so keep up the hard work! If you have any work to show or you have been doing something exciting in this lovely weather, send a photo the the email address below. Have a look at our ‘Wow Wall’ link to see what’s new!



Literacy- Please read the ‘Literacy overview’ found in the ‘Literacy link’ for this week. Complete the spellings and sound work related to the ‘mm’ sound as well as noun work and topic writing. Also, continue to read on My On site. Reading is such an important skill to develop! J


Numeracy- The ‘Numeracy overview’ will outline the learning outcomes for the week. There are links to assist with teaching as well as new games to play.


WAU- our final topic ‘The Seaside’ continues with a lesson on ‘Safety at the Seaside’. We all hope to get to the seaside soon. This provides lots of information about how to stay safe when we do!


ABL- Activities continue this week- try to draw the perfect sandcastle or make a 3D model lighthouse!!! There are YouTube videos to show how. I would love to see finished models.  


R.E.- There is another story linked to our ‘Seaside’ topic- ‘Jonah and the Whale.’ Complete the related activity.


Happy learning!!!


L. Chapman


CEOP link