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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Monday 15th June 2020

Hello P6!

Just two weeks left! We're on the home straight. BUT - there's still work to do, so please stay with me right to the end so we can all learn as much as possible before the summer!


MyOn - Your MyOn project will be the Literacy focus this week. For this reason, I haven't uploaded lots of other literacy work (there is maths though). It is a creative writing task which I expect will take you a few days to complete. All of the information is on the MyOn site, but you will have to read the material assigned to you, plan and organise your story, write your story, and proofread and edit your work. You have had lots of practise at proofreading and editing throughout the year but, if you forget, I've added some helpful information to the Literacy section of the website. The EXCITING NEWS is that you will be able to read and comment on each other's projects! I can hardly wait! Please try to have your story written by Thursday, as I will enable the PEER REVIEW feature on Friday morning. That means, on Friday morning, all of your classmates will be able to read your story (even if it's not finished or submitted, so be mindful of that) and leave a POSITIVE FEEDBACK comment on it. You will find the Peer Review tab just next to the Essay Writer tab. You'll be able to see the comments that have been left for you in the same place where you usually read mine (just click back into your work on the Essay Writer). Only POSITIVE and RELEVANT comments are acceptable - I will be active on MyOn on Friday to read your comments to each other. I hope this all makes sense and I hope you are as excited as me! If you have any questions, please ask your adult to email me! laugh


Photos - I found photos on my iPad of some maths activities we did during the year. I've added these to a new album called 'Maths Time' just under the 'Home Learning' tab for you to have a look at.


Art - Art this week will be YOUR CHOICE! This will be our final art activity. Please send your creations to before Friday 19th June.


Active Learn - New spelling games have been added for this week and new books have been assigned to each group, to read at your leisure.


Remember - 

Have a great week!

Miss Nesbitt 



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