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We look forward to welcoming all our P2 - P7 pupils back to school on Thursday 29th August from 9 - 12:15pm
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P4 Photos

Look at these wonderful photographs of what some of P4 have been up to at home smileysmileysmiley

Final few days before summer blush

Some more lovely P4 photos heart

Lots of fun activities whilst at home blushblushblush

Making sweets...yummy cheeky

Fabulous photos of P4 blush

Super creativity from some of P4 this week heart

P4 keeping busy at home smiley

Some more photos of P4 smileysmileysmiley

Brilliant fun P4 cheeky

Keeping busy with lots of activities at home smileysmileysmiley

Some more photos of P4 smileysmileysmiley

Working hard and having fun smiley

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