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Monday 18th May - myON Projects Week



This week we're 'clearing the tables' to focus on myON Projects.


If you're not sure what these are, visit the link above these messages to find out more.


This week's Overview Sheet can also be found in the usual place: 'Work Packs and Activities to Print - English/Literacy.


Our aim is to have as many people login to myOn as possible and complete the project which has been set, and the great thing about these new projects is that you will be able to submit your work for comments and marking.


Three projects have been set to get you started, but if our progress is good, I'll add another.


So, let's see how many we can get working on this.


Of course you can also take this week to complete work that you haven't finished yet: there's an Art Project on Vincent van Gogh; WAU on Volcanoes; Coding on Hour of Code, and I'll also add another Maths investigation - there's lots to keep you going!



CEOP link