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A New 'Spring Summer 25' school dinner menu has been posted on the Dinner menu Page which starts after half term.
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Hello everyone. Welcome back!


I hope you had an enjoyable Easter break and had lots of fun with your family! Thank you to everyone who has sent pictures of your hard work and/or photographs of all the fun you are having at home. Please feel free to send more and I will upload these to our 'Wow Wall' link. 


Now that it is back to school time, your work will be provided on our 'Home Packs' link. Each week more work will be uploaded for you to complete. Please work at your own pace through these activities and if your parents have any concerns, they can get in touch using the email address below. 


The Home Packs will be divided into curricular areas such as Literacy, Numeracy and WAU. In some of these curricular areas they will be further divided into two main groups. If you or your parents are not sure which group you belong to, again please get in touch. Normally in a classroom setting the work is differentiated much more, so if you need support don't be concerned. Alternatively, if you feel you could be extended further, use some of the online resources or additional resources provided on our 'Home Learning 2020' link. 


Happy learning!!!


L. Chapman

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