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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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What a brilliant Ancient Egyptian mask...such a super effort!

Great to see some of you giving the 30 day art challenge a go. Some super ideas from Dylan, well done!

Two girls having lots of fun and ice-cream in the sun!

Some more great work on our Ancient Egypt topic. Very well done!

What a busy girl you have been. That soda bread looks scrumptious...very well done!

The most creative and delicious looking pyramid. Have fun eating it!

The Revels family getting lots of work completed outdoors!

What a great big brother, and a VERY cute baby brother!

Some great drawings of an Ancient Egyptian mummy. Very well done!

3D sarcophagus and mummy case, as well as a 'Jar of Happiness for June'.

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