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PATHS in Windsor Hill Primary School

PATHS in Windsor Hill Primary School

In Windsor Hill Primary School, we continue to implement and deliver the PATHS programme as part of our children’s social and emotional learning. PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) is a a progressive programme of lessons delivered across Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and 2. Through the engaging resources, activities and strategies used as part of the programme it is hoped that our children will develop fundamental skills of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. 

Take the time to watch our video below, and see just some of what we get up to as part of our PATHS programme in Windsor Hill Primary School. 


Still image for this video

Children are taught at least two PATHS lessons each week. As well as being fun and engaging for the children, PATHS sessions are also a time when children can openly discuss ideas and problem solve collaboratively.


Below are just some of the activities and strategies we use in Windsor Hill as part of the programme.  

The Golden Rule

Children are taught the purpose and importance of rules. The PATHS Golden Rule is ‘treat others as you would like to be treated’. To encourage and reward our children, in line with our PATHS Golden Rule, we have introduced a monthly certificate for those who are ‘Caught Being Kind’ in each class. Have a look at our monthly winners on our display board on the main corridor, alternatively you can check this out on the link below.

Compliments- Child or Pupil of the Day

As well as our PATHS lessons, every class has a PATHS 'Child of the Day' (FS and KS1) or ‘Pupil of the Day’ (KS2), that is randomly selected. All our children will have their turn to be the PATHS child or pupil of the day. Then when the whole class have had their turn, we start all over again!


Throughout the day, children are complimented by their peers and teacher. They receive a list of compliments to take home at the end of the day- with some of their favourite compliments written down.


Children are taught the four different ways we can compliment. These are:

  • Ways people look
  • Things people have
  • Things people do
  • The way people are


Our older children are encouraged to give more meaningful compliments, that compliment the way their peers are or the things that they do. We believe that it is important that all children recognise what a compliment is and how it can make you feel when you give or receive a compliment.


You can also watch out for when your child is the PATHS 'Child of the Day' or ‘Pupil of the Day’. Ask to see their certificate and talk to them about the compliments they received during the day. There is a section left blank for the children to write down another compliment they receive from someone at home. It would be lovely for them to be able to write down a compliment you had given them!

Calming Down Strategies and Self-Control

During our PATHS sessions our children are taught a variety of calming down strategies to help them calm down and problem solve when they feel and experience different feelings. These become more complex the older children get. In FS and KS1 this begins with ‘Doing Turtle’ and progresses to using the 'Control Signals' posters in KS2. These are a visual reminder to help them calm down before acting on their feelings. 

Our children can also self-regulate in our new sensory Wow Room’, or go on a trip around our sensory walkway. 

Feelings-Comfortable and Uncomfortable

Through our PATHS programme, our children are taught about feelings through lessons and the use of feelings check-ins and dictionaries. As a result, it is hoped our children develop a better understanding of how to label and recognise their own emotions and those of others.


Our ‘Control Posters’, in each classroom and around school, are a visual reminder to help our children calm down before acting on their feelings. The posters reinforce that all feelings are okay, some will be comfortable and uncomfortable, it’s our behaviours and how we respond to such feelings that can be okay, or not okay.

Manners and Fair Play

During our PATHS sessions our children are also taught about the importance of manners and fair play, both in and outside of school.



From early FS1 PATHS sessions, our children learn how to identify and deal with many problems that they may face. Progression through the key stages and year groups enables children to work up to using a stepped and progressive problem-solving technique.

PATHS Playground Pals

Our Year 7 children have also received their PATHS Playground Pals training and have hit the playground and MUGA pitch each day in Windsor Hill. Their role is extremely important in our school. Along with our teachers, they are now trained to help teach the younger children in school new games that will help them all to make friends, and to help resolve any issues that may arise on the playground using the PATHS strategies. Well done, Year 7! We are so proud of you for taking up this role and doing such a great job too.

PATHS Across the Curriculum

PATHS is part of our SEL curriculum in Windsor Hill, but it spans many other curricular areas in school too. Have a look at just some of how it has spread into our art, literacy/reading, structured play and PE sessions.

PATHS Class Assemblies

This year, each class is presenting a PATHS a themed assembly to the other children in their key stage. Have a look at photographs of some of the assemblies that have taken place so far this school year.

Primary 1 PATHs Assembly - January, 2024

Primary 3 PATHs Assembly-January, 2024

Below, we have added an information leaflet about the main PATHS strategies, some of which you might like to try with your child at home.

We have also attached a pocket sized copy of posters used in school that you may also want to print and use at home too.


To find out any more information about the PATHS programme please speak to any member of staff, or feel free to click on the link below to view the PATHS website. 

CEOP link