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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Teaching points to remember:


ANALOGUE clock – when the BIG hand points to the 12 – we say ‘O’CLOCK’

                           When the BIG hand points to the 6 – we say ‘HALF PAST’


DIGITAL clock – when it is ‘O’CLOCK’ we write :00    i.e. 6:00 for 6 o’clock

                       When it is ‘HALF PAST’ we write :30   i.e. 6:30 for half past 6



O'clock Times (Analogue Clock)


Half Past Times  (Analogue Clock)


O'clock & Half Past Times (Digital Clock)


Analogue & Digital Clocks

CEOP link