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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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It is important to have lots of practical experience when teaching about Capacity, so let the children splash in the bath or fill and empty containers in the sand pit, or even at the sink. Hopefully it won't get too messy! Talk to them about what they are doing and ask them questions - Which container is nearly full/empty? What container would hold the most? How do you know? How could we find out? What could we use to fill this container? How many cupfuls did it hold?

Lot's of exploring and playing is required to develop these skills and language.


Some of the language associated with capacity – full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty, half full


 - Explain how to compare capacities directly, by pouring


 - Introduce using non-standard units (cup, jug, spoonful, egg cup etc) to measure and compare capacities


 - Estimate and select suitable measuring units

CEOP link