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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Week beginning 22.04.20

Week beginning: Wednesday 22nd April – Friday 24th April

Any work uploaded will be added to ‘Home School Activities’ under a topic heading, i.e Literacy. Please remember each child will not be working at the same level so please try to judge yourself which activity would best suit your child’s ability level. Also these are proposed activities so please only complete what you feel is manageable for you and your child. I would also love to hear from you all and hear how you’re getting on, so please feel free to send myself or Mrs Morton a message or send us some photos of you or of your completed work.


  • Spellings – no new spellings this week. Spelling start next week. If you wish you can use your spelling folder to revise over your previous spellings from throughout the year.
  • Easter holidays – In class we usually take a bit of time discussing our holidays and saying what we have been doing or getting up to. This year has been a little different as I’m sure we haven’t been too far from home, but I’m also quite sure we have been having lots of fun outside in the sunshine and enjoying our time off school. I have attached a template for you to write a sentence or two about what you have been doing/making etc. I would love to see your finished work so please feel free to email it to me and I can add it to our photo gallery for others to see. See attachments in Home School activities.
  • SPRING acrostic poem – In class in January we made a WINTER acrostic poem. We gathered a bank of words all to do with Winter and used these to make our poem, so this time I would like us to try to write an acrostic poem on SPRING. Try to think of as many words/phrases as you can to do with Spring. I have attached a Spring word mat to help you. I have also attached a power point on acrostic poems and a template for you to use in Home School Activities. Hope you enjoy!
  • Reading – Your child has been assigned reading books to an online reading programme called ‘MyOn’. See separate letter. Please email myself or Mrs Morton on details of how to log on. There is also a link to this on ‘Online Activities’.


  • APPLES - Addition –  Those children working on addition before Easter may continue working on this. I have attached an ‘Addition to 5’ booklet for you to begin working on. You may work up to page 4 this week. See Home School Activities/Maths.  Remember the addition language +, and, add, plus.
  • PEARS - Subtraction – Those children working on Subtraction before Easter may continue working on this over this week and next week. You may work on in your book up to page 26. Try using your addition facts to 10 to help you complete these pages. This focuses on subtraction facts from 6-10. There is no new mathematical language on these pages, just remember -, take away, subtract and minus all mean the same thing. Also try to verbalise each sum to help you fully understand what it means.
  • Data Handling – I have attached two powerpoints and activity pages on Data handling. We had been learning about carroll diagrams and this is a little revision as well as work on interpreting data. See Home School Activities/Maths.
  • ActiveMaths – new games/activities will be assigned to each child.



Have a look at some of the activities and ideas I have uploaded for you on the season of Spring. See 'Home School Activities'/World Around Us'.


PE - Remember Joe Wicks is on every morning at 9.00. It is a good excuse to get up and get active for the day. It is a lot of fun. See link in Online Activities.


ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (see attachments in ‘Home School Activities’)

  • Snakes and Ladders – this is a great game for counting on and back, as well as being good fun with all the family. You may play your own snakes and ladders at home but I have also attached a fun snakes and ladders game you can play with some simple addition sums to work out. See Home School activities.
  • Spring Maths activity book – this is additional work for anyone who would like extra work on their Maths so there is no pressure to complete.
  • Summer English activity book – this is additional work which you can complete if you wish. It includes a variety of literacy-based activities including poetry, comprehension, phonics, punctuation etc. Again you can pick and choose from this booklet what you would like to do.
CEOP link