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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Week Beginning Monday 5th October 2020

New Website - Seesaw


This week you will be learning how to use the Seesaw website in class and beginning to use it for finding and returning homework.


The first activities are Maths and WAU and we will begin later in the week.


You will have a week to complete these activities and all the details can be found the Seesaw website.


Don't worry if it takes you some time to learn how to use it, or if you have some technical issues - we'll figure it out as we go along!


Make sure everything is finished by Friday the 9th of October.



Bug Club Reading and Active Maths


These activities can be found on the Active Learn website.


New books have been added to you Bug Club pages. You have two week to make sure they are completed. The new deadline is Friday the 9th of October - and don't forget to answer all the 'bug icon' questions.


Some practice Maths activities have also been added to your 'Stuff', and will help you to improve you Mental Maths skills.





You have already completed this week's sound and 'Wordsort' in class. It's the 'igh' sound this week.


Learn all the words in your list at home, test on Friday.


Don't forget to use the Look, Cover, Write, Check strategy.





Check your 'Spelling Booklet' for details of this week's tables to learn.


Test on Friday



Maths Sheets


'Multiplication Experiments' and 'Doubles and Trebles'. Work on the sheet, photograph and add to your Seesaw journal.



Character Study


Check Seesaw!


CEOP link