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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Week Beginning Monday 4th May 2020

This week we are learning spellings with the 'm' sound.  This can be  written with 'm' 'mm' or 'mb' (the 'b' is silent.  I've put up the full list of spellings (9 spellings per night).  Everyone doesn't have to learn them all - remember some of you learn the first 5 or the first 7 words each night.  Keep using the 'Look, say, cover, write and check' method for helping you to learn your spellings smiley

Here is your Friday test for this week.  We were due to be off school this Friday 8th May for the VE Day Celebrations but you can still have a go at your Friday test if you wish blush

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