Hello to all the Primary 1 boys and girls,
I hope you are enjoying learning at home with your family! I really miss you all but hopefully it won't be too long until we are all back together again in our classroom, in Windsor Hill. In the meantime, you have lots of work to do in your Home Learning Pack (1) and I'd like you also to check this website for other additional tasks and fun activities! Here are a few things to get you started:
Art - I would love to see some Easter pictures/ Easter craft activities that you may have been doing at home. You could even paint an Easter egg. Take a picture of these and send them to me by email. I would love to see the finished results.
I have sent you a list of fun and useful websites to help you with your learning, in your learning pack, so try some of these too.
Active Learn - You have all been assigned some maths games on Active Maths. Check out some of these too.
P.E - Link to the live P.E sessions with celebrity Joe Wicks!
REMEMBER: - Enjoy spending extra time at home with your family! Play lots, try to get outside for some fresh air and look around you at our wonderful world - for lots of signs of Spring. Also bake, sing, dance, relax, draw and help in your home. Please don't forget to add your weekly entry into your personal diary.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Moore x
Thursday 9th April, 2020
Hello everyone again,
This is the first day of our Easter holidays and I would just like to say a big thank-you to all the parents who collected their child's "Home Learning Pack" in March and to those who have been in touch with me telling me how hard their children have been working. That is great! Thank-you also for the lovely photographs too - showing your children at work and having fun too! They have certainly made me smile.
It is now time to take a break from school work over the Easter holidays and to enjoy some fun family time. Why not have an Easter egg hunt at your home and keep a good look out for the Easter Bunny too! You might be lucky enough to find some little bits of fluff from his tail.
Finally, have a lovely Easter everyone and please continue to stay safe and healthy. Miss you all so much,
Love From: Mrs Moore x