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Creative Writing - VE Day Diary Entry

As this week - Friday 8th May - celebrates the 75th anniversary of VE day.  We have talked about this before as we finished our World War 2 topic in class smiley  Watch the video clips below and look at the PowerPoint to remind yourself of the celebrations that happened in VE Day.  Then I want you to write a diary entry about what it would have been like in 1945 as the war finally ended - How did you feel?  How did you celebrate?  There are also some wordsearches - an easier one and then a few harder ones - if you want to complete those as well.  Send me a photograph of your diary entries if you can - I would love to read them. smileysmileysmiley

V E Day in London - 1945

V E Day began with Mr Churchill's broadcast officially announcing the end of war in Europe. Londoners took to the streets in celebrations which continued for...

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