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February Homework Diary

Thursday 23rd February
WALT:Read and understand Mathematical problems. Think in a logical, step by step, way. Explain how we solved the problem, and arrived at an accurate answer.


You have been given a Mathematical problem called, 'The Puzzling Sweet Shop', from nrich.maths. You can also download a copy by following the nrich link. The problem has 5 individual questions and you should try as many as possible. Remember to follow our 'Step by Step' problem solving guide, and record your answer in detail. Tomorrow in school, you will have to explain how you solved the problem.

Also continue reading your novel.

Wednesday 22nd February
WALT: Write a report and evaluate our 'Bee Safe' ICT Project.


Use the report outline you have been given to help you think about how you prepared for, planned and completed you 'Bee Safe' Leaflet.

Write as much detail as you can and we will edit and type our reports in school.

A copy of the blank report you received today in school has been added below.

Also continue reading from your independent novel.

Monday 13th February
WALT: Find percentages of amounts.


Check the different question sheets you have and answer the questions. Either colour the correct amount, or write the answer in you homework books.


Spellings - We are revising last week's words. Test on Wednesday.

Reading - Continue reading novel.

Thursday 9th February
Tonight is a learning homework.

WALT: Read and write common fractions, decimal fractions and percentages, and know which are equivalent.


Learn the common fractions you have been given along with the decimal and percentage equivalent.

Spellings - Learn all of this week's spellings, and last week's spellings as well. You will have a double test tomorrow.

Keep reading your novel.

Wednesday 8th February
WALT: Read carefully for detail, and write answers using correct punctuation and with as much accurate information as possible.

WALT: Spell words correctly and use them in a sentence with correct punctuation.


Check which homework you have to do:

Comprehension - 'If you don't put your shoes on'. Work in English homework books.

Sentences using your spellings - Work in your English homework books.

Spellings - Learn the rest of the words on your 'Wordsort'.

Keep reading your novel.

Tuesday 7th February
WALT: Read and write common fractions, decimal fractions and percentages, and know which are equivalent.


Learn the common fractions you have been given along with the decimal and percentage equivalent.

WALT: Design a layout for our 'BEE SAFE' Road Safety leaflet.


Use the sample advertising leaflet you have been given to help you figure out how to make a tri-fold leaflet and decide where you will place the title, headings and pictures. You do not have to write all the informtion now, and you do not 
have to add the pictures now, this is a planning sheet, so just show where they will go; however, you do have to include the headings you will use.

Spellings - Complete the word sort and begin learning the spellings.

Reading - Continue with your novel.

Monday 6th February
WALT: Recognise, read and write percentages.


Today we began to learn about percentages. Tonight you should design and colour patterns using a 'One Hundred' square and record the amount of each colour in percentages.

Spellings - Slightly different this week. Check which sound you are learning.

'oa' - The old boat can go slowly.

'ory', 'ery', 'ary' Three very similar sounds. Think carefully about how you say them.

Begin your new independent reading novel.

Thursday 2nd February
Just one homework tonight! You have all worked very well today!

Spellings - Learn all spellings on your 'Wordsort' for a test tomorrow.

Wednesday 1st February
WALT: Read and answer questions accurately, with detail and with correct punctuation.


English - Comprehension. Answer the questions in your English Homework Books.

Think about what we discussed today in school:

(1) Read the story more than once.
(2) Highlight any difficult words.
(3) Find the meaning of these words.
(4) Read the questions carefully.
(5) Now answer the questions.

Spellings - Learn the next lists on the 'Wordsort'.

Reading - Read last night's story or chapter again to prepare for Thursday's Reading Activity. You should know the story/chapter well.


You might also like to try this 'Look, Cover, Write and Check' game to help you learn your spellings. You can add your own words into the programme!

CEOP link