Hello P6!
Monday again! I hope you have all settled into a good routine by now. From what I'm seeing and hearing, you're all having so much fun at home you'll not want to come back to school! Here are a few notes for the week ahead:
Parents - An overview of work for the week can be found in the 'Work Packs' tab. All resources can be found in the 'Additional resources and activities' tab.
Emails - Thank you so much to everyone who has sent me a message by email. I miss you all very much and love to hear from you. Thank you also to the parents who have been sending updates and photographs. Check out our class photo gallery! I would love to know how everyone else is doing - rnesbitt653@c2kni.net
Art - Head over to the 'Art' page to see all the chocolate bar designs and this weeks task!
MyOn - Last week I set you a whole class target of 25 hours reading time. YOU SPENT 25 HOURS 54 MINUTES READING! Hooray!! Well done to everyone who has been logging on, reading and quizzing. Keep up the brilliant work!
Project - BIG NEWS!! I have given you a 'PROJECT' on MyOn! First you will read a book that I have assigned to you, then write your response to the questions I have set, and finally submit your work to me before Friday 8th May. You do all of this on the MyOn website - just click 'Projects' and go from there! If you're not sure, click HERE for a wee guide to show you how to access and submit it. I can't wait to read and mark your projects!
Other work - WAU this week is all about European Landmarks! Also, remember to complete the next 2 tests in your Mental Arithmetic books and learn the next set of spellings in your spelling folder.
Revision booklets - For anyone that wants to keep REALLY busy, I've added some revision booklets. You'll recognise lots of the topics that we did during the year and some new ones too.
Remember -
Have a great week,
Miss Nesbitt