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Applications for P1 for September 2025 are now open and will close on Friday 24th January 2025. Please contact school or use the link on our website to access more information on how to make your application.
Home Page


Hello everyone J 


We are almost there!! Thank you again to everyone who has sent pictures of your hard work and/or photographs of all the fun you are having at home. Please feel free to send more and I will upload these to our 'Wow Wall' link. 



Literacy- Please read the ‘Literacy overview’ found in the ‘Literacy link’ for this week. There are no more spellings but do aim to revise some of the sounds we have covered this year. There is, however, work on ‘Adjectives’ and topic writing. Also, continue to read on My On site. Let’s try and beat our class total from last week J


Numeracy- The ‘Numeracy overview’ will outline the learning outcomes for the week. The topic for this week for all groups is ‘Data Handling’. There are links to aid learning as well as new games on Active Learn.  


WAU- our final topic ‘The Seaside’ concludes with a lesson on keeping our beaches clean! Complete the lesson outlined in the WAU link.


ABL- Activities continue this week. There are art and craft activities related to the beach with some examples included as well as some beach games to play in the garden J .



Happy learning!!!


L. Chapman


CEOP link