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Monday 1st June 2020

Hello P6!

It's June! Just 4 more weeks of school left until the summer break. BUT - there's lots to do before then! I hope you have all been making the most of the sunshine this past week and enjoying the outdoors! Here are a few notes for the week ahead:


Active Learn - New reading books, maths games and spelling activities have been added. Log on and have a go!


Europe Projects - This is the last week for Europe projects! I've already received Jessie's and I've shared this as a great example in the 'World Around Us' section, if anyone needs inspiration!


Literacy work - A few more onomatopoeia poems came through during the week, I've added these to a new 'YOUR WORK' folder in the Literacy section. You'll also find your Rainbow Poems and creative writing from this week. There is lots of amazing work being sent in! yes


Art - A few more pieces of Nature Art also came through during the week, check these out along with the latest junk art! Remember to check out the new task for this week!


MyOn - Please log on and complete your MyOn project for this week. There are 2 parts. Well done to everyone who has been completing their MyOn project each week! 


Numeracy & Literacy - New tasks have been added in each of the folders. Happy Learning!


Revision Pack - New revision packs have also been added for anyone that has been making use of these resources. These will also be useful for keeping skills sharp over the summer months!


Remember -

Speak soon,

Miss Nesbitt 




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