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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Thursday 2nd April 2020

Hi P4! Hope you are all keeping safe at home and enjoying time with your family.  Well done on all your hard work so far.  I'm keeping a check on your online activities and can see some have you have been doing lots of reading on MyOn (Accelerated Reader) and trying out lots of the games on ActiveLearn. Well done smiley If you haven't got a chance to login yet, see if you can over the next few days.  If you have any problems get your mum or dad to email me - 

I've updated the 'Additional Online Activities and Weblinks' section of our class page with new links for you to try out.  Also, please see the links below for some activities that you can print out and complete at home.  Whitney from PATHS has sent us a rainbow template and SELFIE page for you to complete.  I would love you to email me a picture of these when finished smiley Anything else that you've been doing at home I would love to see so send me a photo if you like smiley

Take care and I will see you all soon,

Miss McKeown

CEOP link