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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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T H E   W O R R Y S A U R U S 


Just before we got the news we had to learn from home, we all were a little worried because we didn't know what lay ahead and everything seemed to be changing. Sometimes we can get worried about things that we can't control and it is the same for the Worrysaurus in our story this week. 


The Worrysaurus likes to plan things but sometimes worries that things might go wrong so he gets little butterflies in his stomach. Listen to the story to hear how the Worrysaurus can get rid of all his little butterflies of worry! 



Once you have listened to the story, click into the Literacy folder and click on 'The Worrysaurus' for some activities! 

The Worrysaurus

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