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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Wednesday 25th March 2020

Hello P6!


I hope you are enjoying spending time at home! Things will be a little different for a while since we can't all be together in our classroom right now. Instead, you have lots of work in your Home Learning pack and I'd like you to check this website regularly for news, updates, additional tasks and fun activities! Here are a few things to get you started:


Countdown - I know lots of you will miss our class Countdown! Click on this link to play at home!


Art - You will find an Easter art competition inside your pack. Take a picture of your design and send it to me by email. I will share them all on our website before Easter! I've already received two entries laugh


Pupil of the Day - A vital part of our daily routine! Send me an email if you would like to be included in our new 'Cyber Pupil of the Day!' I will choose someone each day and send them a compliment list by email! mail


Accelerated Reader - AR has a new name while you're at home... MyOn! So, get stuck in! Huge well done those who have already logged on, read books and quizzed! I can see that you have all passed your quizzes. SUPER!! yes


Active Learn - You have all been assigned two reading books and lots of maths games on Active Maths and Bug Club. Check out the 'Online Learning' section of our class page for more info! 


P.E - Check out the P.E section of our class page for a link to live P.E sessions with celebrity Joe Wicks! 


Home - Enjoy your extra time at home! Play, bake, sing, dance, relax, draw, watch movies, exercise, help out and go easy on your parents... this is new to them too! wink



What's the use of worrying?

It never was worthwhile!

So, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag

And smile, smile, SMILE!

Speak soon,

Miss Nesbitt


CEOP link