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Wednesday, 22nd April, 2020



We are now into Term 3 in Primary 5! I really hope you are all continuing to keep safe at home, and you had lots of fun with your family over the Easter break. Below are just few things I would like you to check on, or have a look at-


Numeracy & Literacy- Please look at these sections on our 'April Home Learning' tab on our class page- this is where your new learning packs have been added. I hope that you will continue to work hard and try your best to complete tasks and activities on a daily basis. Remember, if you have any questions, queries or concerns about these please get your mum or dad to e-mail me on:


WAU- Please also look at this section on our 'April Home Learning' tab on our class page. This week I have included some activities linked to our new topic 'Ancient Egypt'. Remember, I would love to see photographs of your completed cover page for our new topic work so get your mum or dad to e-mail me a photograph of these.


Calling all our aspiring scientists! Sentinus have been posting STEM challenges on their social media sites from early April. Please have a look at this weeks Sentinus  challenge that I have uploaded. Have a go, and let me know how you get on... If you manage to actually make the 'water walk' please send me a photograph!


Myon, Bug Club and Active Maths- I'm continuing to keep a check on your online activities and can see that some of you have been reading on MyOn, a few have used Bug Club, and lots of you have been busy playing games on Active Maths. Well done, if that is you! If you haven't got a chance to login yet, please try to do this this term. Remember, if you have any questions, queries or concerns about these please get your mum or dad to e-mail me on: and I will do my best to get any problems sorted.


Easter Competition- Thank you to everyone who entered the Easter egg competition, they were all excellent! i have now moved some of your photographs to April's photo gallery. When we return to school I will be giving out a small prize to the 4 winners!


I'm missing you all, but in the meantime remember this...


What a lovely thought to keep us all going!

Continue to take care, keep safe and try not to eat too much of the chocolate leftover from Easter!

laugh Mrs Magill laugh

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