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Anti Bullying Week - Monday 11th - Friday 15th November - This year's theme - Choose Respect!
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Week beginning: Tuesday 26th May – Friday 29th May

I hope you all make the most of your day off on Monday this week. Time is flying by and we will soon be into June! Remember if you need to contact me about anything or even to just say hello and fill me in on all the lovely things you have been doing, my email address is I love to hear from you all!


NEWCOMERS – continue to revise all initial sounds. Begin work on CVC booklet. Continue to work on ‘Addition to 5’. See NEEWCOMERS folder in Home School Activities.



  • Weekend news/Creative writing – You may continue to write your weekly diary or try some of the creative writing ideas. Perhaps you could write a sentence or two about your bank holiday weekend.
  • Full stops – This week I have attached work for you to complete on ‘Full stops’. There are some teaching posters to look at and two activity pages to complete. I have also attached a link to a game from the IXL website. See Home School Activities/Literacy/Full Stops
  • Linguistics & Spellings – (see Spelling lists and ‘Daily Phonics Suggestions’ in Home School Activities under Spellings)

APPLES - medial ‘u’ words (i.e. hut, mum, bun) – I have attached work for you to complete. This will be the last medial sounds before we move to CVC words. Let me know how you have been getting on with our medial sounds! Again you may use the word cards and pictures to help you ‘sound out’ and ‘blend’ the words. Continue to make this as fun as you can.

2.I have included some cut and stick activities for CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words with medial ‘u’ as well as a spelling practice page.

3. I have also attached a link for some games from the IXL website to do with medial ‘u’ and CVC words. You may also continue to practice ‘sounding out’ and ‘blending’ using the Powerpoint for reading CVC words. (Attachments – in Home School Activities/Literacy/CVC words).

PEARS – We have covered all of our sounds at this stage and are going to revise back over them all. This week we are going to revise over the oa (coal), ee (sheep) and igh (light) sounds. Not everyone has covered these spellings but we have all had the teaching in school after Christmas on these sounds. The spellings will be a mix of all three sounds but for those who just wish to stick to one sound I have given just the ‘oa’ sound (PEARS 2). Do what is manageable!

1.I have uploaded a powerpoint for you to recap on some of the sounds taught this year. There is also a spelling revision activity page for each sound (oa, ee, igh). If you wish you can use the poem/story for each sound to read and highlight the sound. You may do a sound/word search on the text. Again, if you wish to just stick to one sound this week to revise that is perfectly fine. Do what best suits you and your family!

2.I have also attached a link to some games on the IXL website.

Remember to try some of the suggested practical ideas with your phonics as well, i.e. paper square work for word building (see below). All linguistics work is in the ‘oa,ee,igh’ sound folder in ‘Home School Activities/Literacy’.

  • Reading – Lots of you are continuing to read on MyOn – Well done, this is super! If you wish to log your child on to this online reading programme, please email myself or Mrs Morton for details. There is a link to this on ‘Online Activities’ and your child will be assigned reading books each week – click on ‘Project’s at the top of the page. You can also select your own books to read if you wish to read more. I would also suggest using OxfordOwl as listed on our suggestions for Online Resources. It is free when you sign up and has a great range of reading material at all levels.


  • APPLES – This week I have uploaded work on Numbers to 20 for you to complete. You may complete up to page 4 if you wish. This involves completing number lines to 20, counting forwards/backwards within 20. I have also attached some games from the IXL website for you to play. See Home School Activities/Maths/Numbers to 20. Those of you wishing to continue some further work on addition I have attached another short addition booklet as well as some IXL games – Number Bonds to 5. See Home School Activities/Maths/Addition.
  • PEARS - Subtraction – you may complete pages 35 & 36 in your Subtraction booklet. If you have not got this far don’t worry, do what you can and continue to try your best. This week it is a revision of what we have been covering in subtraction. I have also attached a link for some games from the IXL website. See Home School Activities/Maths/Subtraction.
  • APPLES and PEARS Telling the Time (o’clock and half past times on an analogue and digital clock) – For those of you who wish to move on with Time – we are working on ‘Time intervals’ this week. This will complete our work on Time. I hope you have managed well and can tell the time on either an analogue or digital clock or maybe both!! Well done everyone! Time intervals involves telling the time 1/2/3 hours before or after a given time. I have attached a couple of activities in our Time folder if you wish to complete. See Home School Activities/Maths/Time. 
  • ActiveMaths – Continue to log in and play the maths games and activities that have been assigned to you on ActiveMaths. Enjoy!


We will be continuing with our topic of ‘Animals in their Environment’. This week, we are continuing to look at The Farm and in particular ‘Milk Production’. This involves learning about how we get milk. As myself and Mrs Morton grew up on a dairy farm we love teaching this aspect of the WAU but I know lots of you already know a lot about this process. Farms produce a lot more foods than milk so we will be looking about what other foods come from our farms. Find attachments in Home School Activities/World Around Us.



PE – I hope the practicing for the ‘Healthy Kidz Virtual Sports Day’ is going well – Let’s hope with the nice weather planned for this week you can get outside into the fresh air! This week the activities to practice are the welly boot toss and the super strong challenge. This sounds lots of fun so why not give it a go!! I might even give these a go! Remember to look at the coaching tips before you start the activities.


P2 SPELLINGS and suggested Weekly Phonic Activities in SPELLINGS folder.



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