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Anti Bullying Week - Monday 11th - Friday 15th November - This year's theme - Choose Respect!
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Phonics - 'ch' sound ('ch' / 'tch')

This week we are learning spellings with the 'ch' sound.  These words can be written with 'ch' or 'tch'.  Have a watch of the video clips below to get you thinking about 'ch' sound words.  Then complete the worksheet looking for the 'ch' words in the text.  There are other worksheets below which can help you practise your spelling words for this week. How many more words of your own can you think of?  There are also a couple of games you can play.  

Mr Thorne Does Phonics - Episode CH

Watch UK school teacher Mr Thorne and Youtube sensation Geraldine the Giraffe take you on a learning journey through the world of phonics, grammar, spelling ...

tch for /ch/ sound - Mr Thorne Does Phonics

Watch UK school teacher Mr Thorne and Youtube sensation Geraldine the Giraffe take you on a learning journey through the world of phonics, grammar, spelling ...

CEOP link