Language and Literacy
- Handwriting - Continue to write letters properly.
- Writing sentences - tell someone in your family what you want to write and they will write this for you to copy.
- Activities:
- Write s,a,t,p,i,n letters on the worksheets (6).
- Play "Sky Writer" on "" .
- Writing - write a sentence about your pet if you have one / or a pet you would like to have, if you don't have one.
- Draw a picture of a pet too.
- Activities:
- Use sound cards in orange folders to recognise s,a,t,p,i,n letters / sounds - practise daily.
- Look for items around your home beginning with s,a,t,p,i,n sounds.
- Worksheets (6) below - to complete.
Talking and Listening:
- Children talk about their experiences e.g family events.
- Continue to repeat some songs and rhymes learned at school.
- Continue learning all the words in your homework folder. Make sentences using these and read.
- Please continue to enjoy stories with family members at home, on the CBeebies website and continue to download eBooks and audio books from "NI libraries" and "Oxford Owl". Read from the free "eBook Library" on "Oxford Owl" in this order - (Levels - "Book Band Levels" - Lilac - (picture story books) - Pink (books with simple text / words) or "Oxford Levels" - (1) - (picture story books) - (1+) - (books with simple text / words).
Please practise all the Literacy skills you have learned in Primary 1 to date, over the next few weeks, on "IXL English" - (Reception). Work through all the 48 skills at your own pace - there is lots to do for everyone! *)
Mathematics and Numeracy:
Continue with work in your "New Heinemann Mathematics - Numbers To 10" workbook and also in your classwork books. I have also included an "All About Numbers 0 - 10" booklet below, for you to complete also).
Numbers / Mental Maths:
- Count 1-10 - lots of counting practice to 5 /10 "IXL Maths" - (Reception) - "Count to 3" and "Count to 5".
- Write numbers 1-6.
- Recognise numbers 1-6.
- Record numbers 1-6.
- Repeat number rhymes learned in school. (numbers 1-6).
- "Active Learn" tasks.
Measures / Time:
- Continue to name days of the week.
- Revision - identify numerals on the clock face 1-6.
- Read o'clock times. (1-6 o'clock) - (activity in classwork book to complete).
"IXL Maths" - (Year 1) - "Time"
- Days of the week.
- Match analogue clocks and times (I).
- Read clocks and write times (I).
- Talk about different ways to pay for things - "BBC Bitesize Primary" - Northern Ireland - Foundation Stage - "Maths and Numeracy" - Measurements - ("Money"). (cash, coins, notes, credit card, cheque, phone app etc.)
- Sort and recognise coins - 1p, 2p, 5p.
- Count and make amounts up to 6p using pennies - worksheet (1)
- "IXL Maths" - (Reception) - "Money"