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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Monday, 11th May, 2020



I hope that you all had a great weekend! As we begin another week of home learning please take time to check out the following-


New Learning Pack- Please look at this section- 'Monday 11th May Home Learning'  by clicking on this tab on  our class page. This is where your new learning pack has been added for this week. Please continue to work through the activities at your own pace and, where possible, get an adult to check your work.


Sentinus Challenge of the Week! Last week I uploaded a Sentinus STEM challenge called ‘Spinning Colours'. Well done to Nojus and Wiktoria who kindly sent me photographs of their wonderful spinning tops. If you missed this, have a look in our class photo gallery. Please also take time to have a look at this weeks Sentinus challenge…you get to make your own mini helicopter!


Operation Helpful Heart- Primary 5 I’ve been so, so impressed with the very creative ways in which you have responded to our ‘Operation Gratitude’. Following on from this we will now start our next mission which is ‘Operation Helpful Heart’ check this out and give it a go!


Ancient Egypt Extra’s- Please also check out this new link which I’ve added to our class page. I’ve already added lots of websites for you to check out linked to our new WAU topic…so why not have a look in your free time.


Additional Activities For All the Busy Bee’s- For any of my P5’s who want to keep really busy I’ve also added this new link to our class page. So far I’ve added a numeracy revision booklet and a time capsule activity that some of you might like to try.


Photographs and Messages- A huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to send me their photographs or e-mails. I am missing your smiles, laughter and chatter! So I really love getting these updates from you and your parents. Remember to keep a close eye on our class photo gallery and keep sending your photos to me on . I also look forward to hearing from some others too…please get in touch!




Continue to take care, and please keep safe and well,

laughMrs Magilllaugh

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