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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Improving Our School Grounds - New Planters











The work of our school ECO committee is wide, and varied, but one theme keeps recuring: Improving Our School Grounds, and one of the first tasks of the ECO committee this term was the organisation of planters at the school entrance.

So, how does this work?

(1) Spruce-up some wooden planters kindly donated to the ECO committee.

(2) Take a trip, or trips, to purchase compost and plants.

(3) Decide where to place each of the wooden 'barrel' planters.

(4) Fill with soil and compost.

(5) Plant!

(6) Water!

(7) Enjoy!

Photo-story below.

CEOP link