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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Monday 29th June 2020

Hello P6 pupils & parents!


Parents - WELL DONE and a sincere thank you. Thank you for stepping in when I couldn't teach your children and thank you for all of your hard work over these last three months. Your creativity, commitment and dedication to teaching and learning, often whilst juggling your own work, family life and the worries and concerns of recent times, has been admirable. Thank you for keeping in touch by sending examples of work, news of your family and photographs of the children. This brightened my days during lockdown! It has been a learning curve for us all and I am appreciative of your support and understanding throughout. I hope you can all enjoy some well deserved rest and relaxation over the summer. Please remember there are some revision booklets available on the website for those who would like to make use of them. I know some of you will also be continuing with transfer preparations. I will continue to dip in and out of emails every now and again, so if there is anything I can help you with, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Pupils - HOORAY for summer!! laugh You are all super stars. I am absolutely blown away by how hard you have worked from home! You have made me a very happy and very proud teacher! I have missed you all so much and really enjoyed receiving your photographs, art, emails and work. Miss Truesdale also misses you and she wishes you a happy, safe summer and lots of luck for next year. I have uploaded the final pieces of writing to the literacy section of the website. Have a wee look if you have time. Also, if you would like to see all the P7 goodbye messages from P7 pupils and teachers, click HERE. Please complete one final task for me - thank your parents and do something kind for them. They have also worked extremely hard during lockdown and deserve some nice words or a nice treat! I will look forward to seeing you all back at school healthy and happy in September, and I wish you the very best for your big P7 year! I hope you enjoy the little video and word cloud below. laugh


Remember - 

Over and out,

Miss Nesbitt 


Goodbye P6

Still image for this video
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