Look at the picture on the left and think what might have happened. Then choose one or more of the activities that follow.
(The writing is a little blurry so I will list the activities below the image.)
A Story - Imagine you and a friend landed on this island. How did you get there? Perhaps you were wrecked and need rescuing? Or did you got there to explore? What happened?
A poem - Imagine the beautiful or dangerous or unusual things on the island. Make a rough list of ideas and turn it into a poem. Or write a poem about how it feels to be stranded in a strange place a long way from home.
Instructions - Explain how to build a hut or how to cook food.
A rescue message - How would you get a message to a passing aeroplane or ship? What would you write or draw? (Remember that people might not understand English.)
An explorer's description - Think of all the interesting plants and animals you might see. Write an account of how you travelled around the island and describe all the things you saw.
A map - Draw a map showing all the rivers, mountains, forests, caves, etc. They all need to be given invented names.