A big hello to everyone again,
For the last week of this final term in Primary 1, our "Home Learning" work and activities are not going to be set out in different subject areas, as they were in previous weeks. For this period of learning, Monday 22nd June - Tuesday 30th June, we shall be focusing on you through the subject of "PDMU" - ("Personal Development And Mutual Understanding") - under the following headings:-
Hope you enjoy the activities I have planned for you and please continue to keep in touch with me at ymoore469@c2kni.net about your learning again this week.
Sending you all lots of "distance hugs" again,
Love from: Mrs Moore x
All About Me - (P.D.M.U)
The end of our Primary 1 year has almost arrived and it certainly has been a very different year for everyone - pupils, families and teachers. I have been teaching a long, long time and I have never had a school year like this!!! I would really have loved to have continued teaching you all in our lovely classroom in Windsor Hill but when that nasty old virus came into our world, it changed all our lives. Hopefully though, things will soon get back to normal again, for everyone.
Every year in June, the Primary 1 children in my class look back at their school year and think about all the things that they have learned, the fun they have had, the friends they have made, the trips they went on and the best thing about their first year at school. They also look back at all the lovely photographs in their "Primary One Year Book," to remind them of these things. You too will be getting your "Primary One Year Book" (packed with lovely memories) but unfortunately, not until you return to school after the Summer holidays. I was organising photographs for these memory books last week and was looking through them all. This certainly made me smile!
"Feelings / Emotions"
We all experience different feelings and emotions throughout our lives (in fact every day) - children, parents, grand-parents, other grown-ups etc. Even teachers experience feelings and emotions. This reminds us of the "PATHS" Programme work we did in school about "Twiggle the Turtle" and his friends. What are feelings and emotions?
Think about all the feelings and emotions you have experienced this year at school - perhaps being nervous and sad when your family left you in school on your first day, happy when you were playing with your new friends at school, disappointed at not getting to see all your friends when we suddenly had to leave school in March and excited about seeing them all again in Primary 2 next school year. As your teacher, I also felt happy, sad, worried and nervous this year but I am very excited about seeing you all and all the other teachers in September again, when we will hopefully get back to our classrooms, in Windsor Hill.
"Moving On"
Sadly, it is time to say goodbye to our Primary 1 year and unfortunately, we have been unable to meet up again in our own classroom but things are getting better and we are beginning to plan and look forward to returning to school in September. There will be new boys and girls starting school in my class and you will all be moving on to Primary 2. You will have a new teacher, a new classroom and some things may be a little different at the start. I will miss you but I will be able to see you all again, which will be great!
Whilst you have been off school, you have been living in a little "Bubble" with your family. When you return to school, your new classroom will be like a new "Bubble" for you - where you will play, learn, have fun and your new teacher and you will still look after each other. The new boys and girls in my class will also stay with me inside their new Primary 1 "Bubble" - which like your Primary 2 "Bubble", will be full of fun, love and friendship. There will however, also be things that we will have to remember while we are in our school "Learning Bubbles" and I have some activities planned for you, to help prepare you for these changes in school.
Hope you enjoy doing these activities this week and remember all the important messages in the stories and powerpoints etc. It would be great to see some photographs of your completed "Bubble" pages and I could put them on the website. You could also have some fun in your garden blowing real bubbles. (If you don't have bubble mixture, use some washing up liquid instead - that is what I used to do when I was little! ) Have fun, continue to stay safe and well. I shall have a special message for you all next week - to wish you all a very happy and safe Summer holiday.
Love: Mrs Moore xo