I hope and trust that you are all continuing to keep safe and well.
My usual little weekly update with a few things I would like you to check
out for the week ahead...
New Learning Pack- Please check out this section on our 'Monday 18th May Home Learning' tab on our class page- this is where your new learning pack has been added for this week. Continue to work through the activities at your own pace and, where possible, get an adult to check your work.
Operation Helpful Heart- I’ve been so impressed with the messages I have been getting from some of your parents about how you are responding to our first week of ‘Operation Helpful Heart’. Following on from this, please check out ‘Operation Helpful Heart’ Week 2. I look forward to getting lots more messages about what you are doing for this.
Join our Butterfly Challenge- The charity ‘Changing Faces’ have pulled together some of their favourite activities in their new Butterfly Challenge pack to help keep kids, like you, busy and engaged at home- reaching children like you when you’re young, so you all learn to value the importance of difference. To help you access this I have added a new link to this on our class page…so please check this out! Take part in the challenge by colouring in or creating a Butterfly from the pack.
Virtual Sports Day- Normally during Term 3 of the school year, we’d be practising for our Schools Sports Day and this year will be no different if you have registered for our Virtual Sports Day. The Virtual Sports Day is set to take place on Saturday 13th June. Please feel free to send in photographs of your preparations for this event over the coming weeks.
Sentinus Challenge of the Week- Please have a look at this weeks Sentinus challenge…you get to make your own mini rocket!
Photographs and Messages- A huge thank you, once again, to everyone who has taken the time to send me photographs and e-mails this week. I miss you all very much and it is lovely getting these photographs and updates from so many of you. Remember, keep checking our class photo gallery which I update daily. I would really love to hear from some others too…so please get in touch if you haven’t already done so!
My thought for this week, REMEMBER…
Keep thinking positively, and be thankful for all the reasons we have to be happy!
Thanking you all once more. Keep up the great work, and please continue to take care and keep safe,
Mrs Magill