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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Goodbye P7’s

Austeja Kanonovaite created the movie clip below.  It sums up how the P7’s feel about leaving Windsor Hill and moving on to their new schools. 

Moving on

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100% Attendance and Class Dojo winner

Thanks Anna Crawford for making the Achievement iMovie.

Enjoy watching it. 

Achievement Awards

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Achievement Awards

It has been another unconventional ending to school this year because class bubbles are still intact and we couldn’t have the usual Awards Assembly.  
However, our class still had an opportunity to reflect and celebrate their time at Primary School.

We have had many fun times this year and enjoyed making our goodbye iMovie; enjoy 😊.

The Great Escape

Still image for this video
CEOP link