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Phonics - 'sh' sound ('sh' / 's' / 'ch')

Our final set of spellings this week and we are learning words with the 'sh' sound.  This sound is mainly written with the letters 'sh' but as you will see in your spellings there are a few words where the 'sh' sound is spelt with 's' ( as in sugar) or 'ch' (as in chef).  

Geraldine the Giraffe learns the /sh/ sound

Watch UK school teacher Mr Thorne and Youtube sensation Geraldine the Giraffe take you on a learning journey through the world of phonics, grammar, spelling ...


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For your final set of spellings let's look at words with the 'oo' sound.  

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /OO/

Watch UK school teacher Mr Thorne and Youtube sensation Geraldine the Giraffe take you on a learning journey through the world of phonics, grammar, spelling ...


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