Welcome back to school after the holidays. We wish all our pupils, parents, and friends a Happy, Healthy New Year in 2024.
Charity Collections
Everyone’s generosity to last term’s Charity collections was very much appreciated. Our poppy appeal sales and collection raised £321.28 for the Earl Haig fund in November. Before Christmas our P7 class presented The Southern Area Hospice with a cheque for £900 raised through our Christmas Concert and donations in lieu of Christmas Presents. Towards the end of term we received further donations and will forward another cheque for £300 for this worthy cause.
Open Enrolment for September 2025
Information regarding enrolment to primary school is now available on the EA website at https://www.eani.org.uk/parents/admissions
We have also uploaded information directly to our school website at: Admissions | Windsor Hill Primary School (windsorhillps.co.uk)
The P1 online application procedure opens on Friday 10th January 2025 and closes on Friday 26th January 2025 at 12noon (GMT) with the deadline for supporting documentation being 4pm on Wednesday 31st January. While digital applications are preferred, support is available for everyone who needs it – just contact the office and Miss McKane will call you back.
Parents of children who are eligible to enrol next September are very welcome to contact the office to arrange a time to speak to Miss McKane, see around the school or discuss their child’s application.
Please note the following dates: Applications for P1 open on Friday 10th January @ 12 noon
Applications for P1 close on Friday 24th January @ 12 noon
The EA Deadline for submitting verification/supporting documents via EA Connect – Birth Certificates – Wednesday 29th January
Application outcomes are sent via email on Wednesday 9th April 2025
Healthy Eating Policy – Healthy Breaks – parents continued support of this programme, which aims to reduce sugar attacks on young teeth, is appreciated.
Fruit can be purchased from the school canteen at break time costing 30p / portion. Please note that fizzy drinks are not permitted in the dinner hall or classrooms.
School Meals- It would be very much appreciated if payment for school meals is made on Parentpay or brought every Monday for the week with your child’s name and the days they which to have dinner clearly marked on the front of the envelope. Free school meals application forms are also available from the office for anyone who may be eligible. Please speak to either Mrs Whiteside or Miss McKane for more information.
School Uniform – As we begin a new year and a new school term, I take this opportunity to encourage everyone to wear full school uniform to school every day, except on the PE days when school tracksuit is permitted.
Due to health and safety concerns no child should be wearing earrings to school. Everyone’s co-operation with this request is very much appreciated.
Supervision before school - The doors to school open each morning at 8.45am, school starts at 9.00am. There is no school supervision before 8.45 am. Breakfast club continues to be available daily from 8am, cost £2.00 per day and should be booked in advance. (Email bookings are acceptable.) 2-3 club also continues to operate daily for P1 – P3 pupils. Cost also £2/day.
Changes to contact details - Please keep us informed of any changes of address, telephone number or emergency contact details. It is particularly important that records of mobile numbers are up to date so that, in the event of an accident or illness, parents can be contacted quickly and to enable you to continue to have access to the text messaging service.
Football Club
It is scheduled that Fiona will resume Football club on Thursday 9th January, this session is a continuation from last term – please contact the office for clarification as needed. .
School Attendance & Punctuality – The beginning of the New Year is an appropriate time to once again encourage all parents to ensure that our pupils are in school punctually every morning for lessons starting @ 9:00am. Being late and ‘casual’ missed days at school disrupts children’s routine and education - they really miss out!
Absences, due to sickness are unavoidable. If your child is unwell, particularly with a temperature, please follow PHA guidance to keep them at home. Don’t forget to send a written reason for the absence when they return. Additional sheets of absence note slips are available from the school office at any time.
School Closure reminder:
Exceptional Closures Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th February 2025
Half Term 13th - 14th February 2025
St Patrick’s Day Holidays Monday 17th March 2025
Last day of term before Easter Friday 11th April 2025 (Half Day)
At the beginning of a new term we trust that the children will all quickly settle again into the routine of school. If you have any concerns or are unsure of any matter regarding your child’s education or welfare, please do not hesitate to contact school.
In an emergency your first point of contact should be the Principal or Vice Principal but if you would like an appointment with the class teacher, arrangements for this can be made through either the principal or school secretary.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.
Information regarding enrolment to primary school will be available on the EA website at https://www.eani.org.uk/parents/admissions just before the Christmas holidays. The P1 online application procedure opens on Friday 10th January 2025 and closes on Friday 24 January 2025 at 12noon (GMT). As soon as further Department of Education guidance becomes available this will be forwarded to parents. Applications are preferred through the EA One portal, support is available for everyone who needs it with this process – contact the office and Miss McKane will call you back. P1 applications should be made for children whose 4th birthday falls on or before 1st July 2020, including those who may have deferred their application last year. Prospective parents are welcome to make an appointment to visit school. Further information is also available on social media and the school website.
Christmas is a particularly exciting time of year for our children, and we are very much looking forward to sharing this in school, especially as we plan for this year’s Christmas Concert – ‘The Magical Christmas Jigsaw’.
Children can wear their Christmas jumpers for the Santa Daily Mile on Friday 6th December. Hopefully the weather will be kind and we will be able to start December outside in our Christmas jumpers.
If children wish to post Christmas Cards to their friends, they can do so by posting in our post boxes in the main corridor from Monday 9th December with deliveries from Thursday 12th – Thursday 19th December. Post will be sorted and distributed by our P7 pupils.
Each class will arrange their own Christmas party which will take place in the assembly hall. Pupils may wear their party clothes to school that day and school will provide juice and some sweets / treats to enjoy at the party.
P1, P2 & P3 – Monday 16th December
P4, P5 & P7 – Wednesday 18th December
P6/7- Thursday 19th December
Thursday 19th December - SP1 & SP2 – Pupils and Parents Christmas ‘Play and Stay’ – 9:00 – 11:00am
It is planned that our pupils will perform ‘The Magical Christmas Jigsaw’, based on the Nativity Story, on the afternoon of Tuesday 10th December starting @ 1:30pm & Wednesday 11th December @ 10:00am. To enable as many parents as possible to attend there will be two performances, one in the afternoon and then the following morning. Keeping performances to during school hours ensures that all the pupils are available to take part.
Tickets for the event, costing £5 each will be available at school from Tuesday 3rd December 2024 . Money raised through ticket sales will be shared between school funds and Newry Hospice.
We are inviting everyone to wear their Christmas jumpers on Thursday 12th December 2024, which is also the date of our Christmas School Dinner this year.
It has been quite a few years since we have had a theatre production in school at Christmas and are delighted that Roz Sheridan will be joining us once again to perform her latest primary school production for us live in the assembly hall on Tuesday 17th December - ‘A Very Merry Mrs Claus’ for our P1 – P7 pupils. The cost of this production will be covered from school funds.
This year’s school Christmas dinner will be served on Thursday 12th December. It is important that Christmas Dinner is booked and paid for in advance.
The staff plan to continue to donate money to charity in lieu of buying individual presents for the children this year. The charity chosen to benefit is Newry Hospice. We also invite parents to contribute to this very worthy cause in lieu of presents for staff, donations can be sent into school in an envelope at any time between now and the end of term.
Shared Education Christmas Choir
With the return of the Newry Chamber of Trade Christmas Gala dinner on Thursday 5th December, we have been delighted to see some of our choir members joining choir members from St Patrick’s to prepare some Christmas songs to welcome guests to this charity event. The pupils attending will be treated to their tea that evening in the Canal Court, which we hope they will all enjoy.
End of Term
School will end at 12.00 noon on Friday 20th December. There will be no dinners served that day.
There is no bus to Shandon Park. Please ensure that your child is aware of arrangements for going home from school at the end of term.
New Term
School reopens for all pupils on Monday 6th January 2025
As a staff we thank you all for your continued support and wish all pupils, parents and friends of the school a very Happy Christmas and healthy New Year.
A copy of this letter and all other correspondence sent home will be placed on the School website @ https://www.windsorhillps.co.uk/newsletters-and-letters-for-parents/
Week beginning Monday 11th November has been designated Anti Bullying Week in Northern Ireland. This Year’s theme is Choose Respect. While our whole school community actively encourages positive relationships between our pupils and strongly discourage bullying in school on an ongoing basis, Anti-Bullying Week provides an extra focus and raises awareness in a different way. During Anti Bullying Week, whether in PDMU / Paths or during class discussion, each class will take the opportunity to discuss the importance of Choosing to be respectful in our interactions each other.
This year’s Anti Bullying Film: https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/aba-our-work/news-opinion/its-time-choose-respect-anti-bullying-week
Odd Socks Day – Tuesday 12th November 2024
This is an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique! There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or for parents to buy costumes. All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks to school, these can be any kind of socks at all, ‘silly socks’ if you are feeling creative and as colourful or plain as you like.
Pupils are also welcome to upload a picture of their odd socks to the class Seesaw page and from there they can be shared with the class.
Thank you for your continued support and please feel free to contact school should you require any additional information.
Reminders for November
School will be closed from Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2024 for half term.
Sincere thanks to everyone who provided food for the foodbank as for our Harvest Service – your generosity is very much appreciated. We will pass this on to the Newry Food Initiative as soon as possible.
Trick or Treating
I trust everyone will have an enjoyable, but safe half term break. If you plan to participate in Hallowe’en Activities please stay safe https://www.rospa.com/home-safety/advice/fireworks-safety has some useful advice.
We have also had the PSNI Neighbourhood Police in touch and asked that we made our pupils aware of their ‘Sorry No Trick or Treat’ poster which elderly and more vulnerable residents may display in their windows. Please encourage your children to respect this request – we have suggested that because they are not expecting callers, they will not have treats available.
Preparations for Winter Weather
November can be a dark and wet month, coats should be brought to school daily, as this allows everyone to get outside as much as possible. Please ensure that pupils have their names on coats and jumpers. We already have quite a pile of jumpers in the assembly hall, so if you are missing sweatshirts or jumper, please feel free to call in see if your child’s property is there.
Healthy Breaks
Our school healthy breaks policy in school is in line with department of health guidelines. Only fruit or bread products should be brought to school for mid-morning snack. Pupils are also reminded that they should only have water in their water bottles. In November we will choose one day each week at random when the pupils will receive a Dojo point for having a healthy break to reestablish this good habit amongst our P2 – P7 pupils. Fruitful Fridays will continue after half term.
Poppies for Sale.
Poppies and related items will be available to purchase in school after half term until Friday 8th November. P7 pupils will sell items to anyone wishing to buy them around the classes during the first week back. Money raised will be forwarded to the RBL Earl Haig Fund.
An Evening with Wayne Denner
Please do not Wayne Denner will be at school on Tuesday 5th November 2024. He will talk to P5 – P7 pupils in the afternoon sharing his knowledge of Internet Safety and will then present to parents that evening @ 7pm. Everyone is welcome. We will reward every family attending with a one night ‘Homework Pass’.
I hope you all have an enjoyable half term break and thank you for your continued support and please feel free to contact me should you require additional information.
Yours sincerely,
I. McKane
Monday 14th October 2024
Dear Parents,
Harvest Collection for a local Foodbank.
This year we will be having a special Harvest Assembly on Thursday 24th October which will be taken Pastor Dylan Marouf. We are inviting the pupils who can, to bring a non-perishable item for the Newry Food Initiative Food Bank.
There will be a trolley at the door from Monday 21st October for any donations of the following items:
Milk – UHT or powdered Sugar 500g Pasta Sauces Sponge Pudding (tinned)
Soup Tomatoes (tinned) Cereals Rice Pudding
Teabags/Instant Coffee Rice / pasta Tinned meat/fish Fruit Juice – Cartons Longlife
Tinned vegetables/beans Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits / snack bars
Friday 25th October will be the last day for our pupils before the half term break, and to make it a little different we are having an ‘Autumn Colours’ themed non-uniform day. Everyone is invited to swop their uniforms for country or autumn coloured clothes. Each class will also have an Autumn Themed Art competition. P1 – P4 – Autumn Colouring Competition. P5 – P7 will be invited to create their own Harvest Themed scene - up to A3 in size. Entries should be with their class teacher on the morning of Friday 25th October.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Parent Teacher meetings have been scheduled to take place from Monday 21st to Friday 25th October from 2pm each afternoon. Please note that all pupils will be leaving school at 1:45pm that week to facilitate these meetings. There will be no after school activities and there will be no Shandon Park bus.
Half Term Holiday
School will be closed from Monday28th October to Friday 1st November 2024 for half term.
I trust everyone will have an enjoyable, but safe half term break. If you plan to participate in Hallowe’en Activities please stay safe https://www.rospa.com/home-safety/advice/fireworks-safety has some useful advice.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back into school on Monday 4th November 2024.
Macmillan Cancer Coffee Morning
We thank everyone for their support at our Macmillan Coffee morning at the end of September raised £920 for Macmillan Cancer Care.
Breakfast Club will operate as normal next week. All parents are welcome to book their children into Breakfast Club from 8:00am daily – booking forms are available from the office or the school website.
An Evening with Wayne Denner – Internet Safety Expert – Please put Tuesday 5th November into your diary and join us in school @ 7pm to learn how to look after your self and your family online. Everyone welcome. We will reward every family attending with a one night ‘Homework Pass’.
Thank you for your continued support and please feel free to contact me should you require additional information.
Yours sincerely,
I. McKane
School uniform promotes inclusion and pride in our school, contributes to our ethos and we have always made effort to make it as accessible and practical as possible.
Recently in the media there have been reports on the growing cost of school uniforms, especially in post primary schools. In the light of a growing concern about the impact this is having on families, the Minister for Education has asked all schools to review their current school uniform arrangements and update their uniform policy in the light of Department of Education guidelines, which will soon become law.
As we begin to review our uniform policy, we would appreciate parents’ views on our school uniform which has not changed for a very long time. Please find below a link to a short ‘Google Form Questionnaire’ which we invite all staff and parents to use to share your opinion.
Use the link below to complete the survey which will be open until Tuesday 15th October.
below is a copy of the letter emailed home which also includes a QR code link for the survey
Thank you all most sincerely for your generous support of last Friday’s MacMillan Coffee morning. Over £900 has been raised for the work of Macmillan Cancer Care.
Check out or new Windsor Hill Primary School Facebook page for some lovely pictures from the event.
We appreciated the donations of buns, cakes, scones and other tasty treats from so many generous parents, staff and friends.
We were also delighted to welcome so many parents and friends in for coffee, thank you all for taking the time to do this. We had some very enthusiastic helpers from P7 who kept the hall tidy. There was a lovely atmosphere in the hall and we trust you all welcomed the opportunity to chat with other parents etc. and the time to relax for a change.
This was the first time we opened the coffee morning up in this way and would welcome feedback for the future.
We are currently part of the ‘Being Well, Doing Well’ Education Authority Initiative and our school link officers, Ms. Michelle O’Neill came along and took the opportunity to chat with many in the hall. Michelle was very impressed with the support we had throughout the morning and has left some of their leaflets in school, focusing on supporting children to understand and control their feelings, and Taking Care of Yourself which parents are welcome to avail of.
When parents left the children had their own treats.
Thank you all!
I. McKane
Dear Parent/Guardian
You may have recently noticed PSNI Officers outside school in the morning or after school. They have received complaints about traffic parking along Church Avenue. I fully appreciate, especially on a wet day, space is limited. The Community Policing Unit are very keen to work with the whole community and want to resolve this inconvenience without resorting to parking tickets etc.
Parents parking on Church Avenue are asked not to park across private driveways or along the zigzag lines. The Department of Infrastructure has been contacted, requesting that the school road markings are replaced, as we appreciate at present the zig zag lines are very faded.
PSNI officers will continue to monitor the situation over the next few weeks. Everyone’s immediate co-operation with this request will make collecting the children safer for everyone.
below is a copy of the letter emailed to parents and the flyers the police were providing parents with yesterday.
Please feel free to contact Miss McKane should you require any additional information.
Invitation to Windsor Hill Primary School Community’s Macmillan Coffee Morning.
For several years our Foundation Stage Classes have supported the Macmillan Coffee Morning appeal, in different forms, over the last few years the younger children did their ‘baking’ in school and took their creations home where they shared their goodies with family and friends.
We have always been overwhelmed and extremely grateful for the generosity of parents and friends to this event.
We are once again asking for your support for a Coffee Morning in school with a different format. We extend our invitation to all our parents and friends to join us next Friday in support of this very worthwhile charity.
Everyone who can make it will be very welcome, to drop into the assembly hall between 9:30am and 11:30am for our first whole school Macmillan Coffee Morning.
Some of our classes will be making items to serve at the event and we would also welcome donations of traybakes from parents as well.
Donations can be sent to school with the children on Thursday or can be left on the tables at the back of the assembly hall on Thursday afternoon up until 4pm.
We will have collection boxes in the assembly hall for donations in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care, or if preferred can be sent into school with your child in a sealed envelope, clearly marked MacMillan Coffee Morning.
Please note, due to pupils with allergies, we are a nut free school and no food items containing NUTS can be served.
We really hope that as many as possible will be able to join us, meet staff and other parents and support our efforts for this very worthwhile charity.
We are delighted that James from SchoolPix will be in school on Wednesday 11th September to take this year’s school photographs when our uniforms are new and fresh.
James is a new photographer coming to work with us this year. His company is offering every child the opportunity to purchase an individual photo for £10. These will be sent home on a sale or return basis, with no obligation to buy.
Please let us know by returning the slip below if you would prefer NOT to have your child’s photo taken.
Payments can be made for the individual photo directly to school or online by scanning the QR code on the back of the photo.
James will also take family groups, which should be booked using the reply slip below. Group photos should be viewed, ordered and paid for online using the second QR code printed on the back of the eldest child’s individual photo.
A reply slip is only required if you do not want any photo taken or if you would like to book a family group. Please feel free to contact school should you require any additional information.
Football Club Returns
Fiona is looking forward to welcoming our footballers back to football club on Thursday afternoons from Thursday 12th September.
P2 - P3 from 2-3pm & P4 - P7 from 3 - 4pm.
Please find below a copy of the permission form and dates for our first 6 week block.
Permission forms and payment would be appreciated by Friday 6th September. Payment can be made on Parentpay but permission forms should be returned to your child's class teacher.
As a school staff we are very much looking forward to welcoming children back to school after what I hope was a lovely summer break, despite the mixed weather. We also look forward to getting to know our new parents in the coming weeks and months. P1 induction is slightly different, but our P2 – P7 children will meet their new teachers on Thursday 29th & Friday 30th August for two induction mornings from 9:00am to 12:15pm.
Breakfast club is available each morning from 8:00am from Thursday 29th August at a cost of £2.00 per day. Juice/milk and toast will be available each morning and the children will be escorted to their class @ 8:45am.
Booking forms are below the post.
2 – 3 CLUB
It is planned that 2 – 3 club will operate from Monday 2nd September and booking forms will be available in school and on the website next week. Cost is £2.00 per day.
Booking forms are below the post.
Parents, other than P1 Parents, are asked, as far as is reasonably possible, to encourage their children it come into the school building in the mornings independently.
The school door will be open from 8:45 am – 9:00am each morning and at the beginning of a new year we encourage everyone to arrive promptly so that classes can start on time @ 9:00am. On entry the children should all go straight to their own class. Please do not, if at all possible, allow your children to gather at the school door before 8:45am.
School dinners will begin again on Monday 2nd September. Cost of school meals is currently unchanged - £2.60 per day or £13.00 per week. For September the menu from last year will continue – we will upload it to the website and email it to parents.
Please ensure that those who may be eligible for free school meals and uniform grant have made a new application for this school year as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Free meals cannot be provided until clearance is given by the EA. Further details are available at EA: https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants . Anyone who has trouble with online applications should contact the office immediately where paper forms are available.
We are continuing to use Parentpay for parents who find this more convenient, but where this is not possible, payment for dinners can be sent to school on Monday morning in a sealed envelope with the pupil’s name and dates dinner is required written on the front. (Cheques can be made payable to 'Education Authority'. Exact money please.)
Healthy Breaks - as we endeavour to encourage and establish healthy eating habits with our children, in line with Department of Education Guidelines, we continue to operate a “milk and/or fruit only” break time snack. We once again ask parents for their continued support regarding this policy. Fruit may be bought from the canteen for 30p per item or portion, up to a maximum of two items. P1 have their own snack arrangements which Mrs. Jennett will inform parents about directly.
Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform everyday as this fosters a sense of identity and belonging. I trust that the excellent adherence to this request will be maintained throughout the year by all our pupils. Navy tracksuits and polo shirts may only be worn on designated PE and swimming days, and for after school sports activities. Alternative tracksuit tops, t-shirts and bottoms should not be worn.
Please ensure that all items of clothing and equipment are clearly named. ‘Sew-on’ name tags or indelible ink laundry markers are recommended; names written on labels with felt tips or biro pen quickly wash off.
Communications with parents
Parent information meetings
It is hoped that as many as possible will be able to attend our parent information meetings on Thursday and Friday afternoons this week. For those who are unable to attend, the information booklet created for these meetings is available from your child’s teacher – everyone is welcome to a copy.
School Website & Facebook
Please get into the habit of having a look at our school website where you can find copies of letters sent to parents, class pages provide a snapshot of what is happening in our classes and there are links to other useful information. In addition a Windsor Hill ‘Facebook Page’ has been created on social media which we hope to add to in the coming weeks with more immediate updates and information. We have updated our parental consent forms to include social media, but will not put pupil / class pictures up initially until the updated parental permission forms have been returned.
The support of parents is invaluable as we strive to meet the needs of our pupils and encourage ‘Care, Courtesy and Consideration’ in all aspects of school life. In Windsor Hill we aim to put the best interests of your children as our first priority. Should you at any time during the year ahead have any queries or concerns, please contact myself or your child’s class teacher. We are all excited to be returning to school and I trust everyone will have a happy, productive, enjoyable year.
Best wishes,
I. McKane
We are delighted to report that nine of our pupils were at school every single day last year. An amazing achievement given the year that it was, with industrial action, storms and with so much sickness about - congratulations to them all.
One P7 pupil, two boys form P6, one girl from P5, two girls from P4, two from P3 and one from our SPIM unit. One pupil is missing from the photo but will be added as soon as possible.
(Please note we do not publish names with photos on our website)
Congratulations Sammy!
Sammy has been caretaker with us in Windsor Hill for over 40 years and over more than four decades he has provided outstanding service to the staff and pupils in our school. We now have many parents who bring their children to Windsor Hill to school and when they chat about their memories as a pupil, without exception, Sammy comes into the conversations- everyone over the decades appreciated his help, wit and outstanding local knowledge.
In addition to working with his team to keep our school clean and tidy, Sammy liaises with all the maintenance contractors and tradesmen coming into school - Sammy has an amazing memory and can recall names, dates etc. to get work completed. Sammy is also the first port of call when coats, bags, water bottles etc. have gone missing and always makes the time to come to the rescue and avert a crisis,
While we in Windsor Hill appreciate the work that Sammy does for us all, it is recognition of the outstanding quality of his work, and how highly thought of he is, not only within our school, but within the community in and around Newry, that his outstanding work has been recognised in Buckingham Palace with this BEM Medal which we look forward to seeing when he receives it.
We hope he has a great weekend celebrating this amazing honour which we are delighted he has been given and look forward to his continued support into the future.
Dear Parents,
P7 Awards Assembly – Thursday 20th June
It is planned that our P4 - P7 pupils to attend our Awards Assembly. It will take place on Thursday 20th June 2024. The parents of our P7 pupils are also invited to join us that afternoon. To enable all staff to attend we will be having an early lunch and all P1 – P3 pupils should be collected @1:00pm.
Shandon Park Bus
We have a good number of pupils getting the bus to Shandon Park each afternoon. We have recently had to remind some pupils of the importance of staying seated on the bus for the duration of their journey and to remember their bus money every day. Translink has increased the fare to 95p per journey and cards can be purchased from the bus depot for multiple journeys which may work out cheaper. This is a public service, and it is important that all our pupils show the same ‘Care, Courtesy and Consideration’ on the bus at all times, as they do in school.
Free School Meals
Please remember that free school meals must be applied for every year. Those who are currently in receipt of this support will receive a reminder directly from EA. Applications are preferred online- https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants .
Further details are also available on the accompanying leaflet. Please do not let the online application put you off, I am very willing to help anyone who needs assistance.
While children may not always want school dinners every day, entitlement to Free Meals also provides a grant to help replace uniform and they can have dinner on days they choose. Please consider applying if you are in receipt of Universal Credits or other qualifying benefits. Unfortunately, meals cannot be provided next term until the EA process your applications, it is therefore important that this job is done as soon as the portal opens as there can be significant delays in processing at the beginning of the new school year. The portal opens on Monday 17th June.
Please remind the children to take all their clothes, PE bags etc. home with them for the summer as internal maintenance work is scheduled and Sammy organises an extensive summer clean.
I would welcome donations of any school uniform including school ties in good condition to reuse. Help of this kind is very much appreciated.
School finishes for this school year on Friday 28th June @ 12:00 noon for all pupils. Please remember there will be no dinner served that day and no bus to Shandon Park.
Thank you to all parents and staff for their support and help during another busy school year. We wish all our P7 pupils continued success in their new schools. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are all getting along in the future.
Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information regarding any of the above information.
I. McKane
This year we will be having a junior and a senior sports day.
P5 – P7 Sports Day is planned for Wednesday 5th June @ 10am with the P1 – P4 Sports Day the following day, Thursday 6th June @ 10 am. Both will take place on the MUGA Pitch at the front of school.
A text message will be sent out on each morning if these arrangements must be changed due to bad weather.
Please note that trainers must be worn by everyone walking on the MUGA Pitch’s synthetic surface.
In the interests of children’s safety and to ensure that they do not miss their races, pupils should stay with their class until all their races are finished. Parents are also asked to ensure that no child is taken out of the school grounds without informing their class teacher.
Pupils may wear their own shorts, tee shirts and tracksuits (sports clothes, but not football tops) to school on their sports day and everyone should wear trainers on their feet for support.
If we are fortunate to have good weather a small bottle of water, a hat and sun cream are also recommended.
We will provide a treat for each child after sports day, there will not items for sale, so no money will be needed.
As we move to the end of another school year, I also want to take this opportunity to inform you that Mrs Loney, who has been teaching in Windsor Hill for over 20 years as our Literacy Support teacher and music co-ordinator, will be retiring at the end of term.
Early retirement of course, but Mrs Loney will be missed as has been a dedicated member of our staff team. She has however promised not to be a stranger and we look forward to seeing her in the future.
Please feel free to contact me should you require any further information.
I. McKane
A photographer from Lafayette Photography will be in school on Tuesday 28th May to take a P7 class photo and group photos. All P7 pupils are asked to wear their full school uniform to school on Tuesday – with shirts and ties for this photo.
In addition to a formal photo, the children may, if they wish, bring a change of their own casual clothes and a ‘prop’ for a more casual friendship group photo.
(Props might include musical instrument, football etc. – no live animals or excessively large items please!).
Mrs Kerrigan will discuss groupings with the pupils in advance and ensure everyone is included.
There will also be a photo of the Eco School Council in full uniform and Hockey teams in sports kit taken.
The children will receive a printed proof of the photos taken and parents can purchase whichever combination of photos they wish, as detailed in the proof. Please note – you do not have to buy anything at all but we would like all the children in the class photo.
Please feel free to contact school if you require any additional information.
Yours faithfully
I. McKane
We had three girls who entered the P4 class and all provided very entertaining versions of the poem, 'Aaargh! by Jan Dean'. Congratulations to Annie and Maisy who both won bronze medals. Ava's performance was also complemented by the Judge.
In the end we had one entry in the P5 class and Isabella came home with a certificate for her animated version of 'Magic Cat' by Peter Dixon. Congratulations and so brave to go on her own - A brilliant achievement!
In P6 the girls worked hard on their poem 'My Dad is Amazing' by Ian Souter. Four girls took part and were brilliant in quite a big class. Ava won a silver medal, Ella a bronze medal and Ulijana was awarded a certificate. Ellie Jayne's work was also praised by the adjudicator - well done girls!
The P7 Poem was quite a difficult and unusual poem, 'At the end of the School Day' by Wes Magee. Emilee performed it brilliantly and was awarded a bronze medal - very well done!
Mrs. Magill's class and Miss Nesbitt's whole class took part in two of the Choral Speaking Classes this year and we are so proud of all the children who had the courage and commitment to work to learn the poems, get on the stage and contribute to two brilliant perfomances - we are very proud of you all and trust, like the teachers, you will have learned lots which we can use next year!
Congratulations to P4 who won their class and came home with the WV Hogg Cup for their version of Louder by Roger Stevens and Spaghetti, Spaghetti! by Jack Prelutsky
Miss Nesbitt's class were second in their class and must be congratulated for their work too. Their poems took a lot of work to learn and we really loved their version on Roald Dahl's The Crocodile - they too should be very proud of their work!
On Friday morning, as an extra special treat, and to say thank you for all their work they all enjoyed some Timoney's Ice cream.
All efforts had to be rewarded!
Term 3 can be a very busy, but enjoyable term for the children. Please find below dates planned at present.
There are some events and activities which parents may like to attend and to help with your planning please find below the dates of our Sports Days and our P4 – P7 Awards assembly, which is a special afternoon to which our P7 parents are all invited.
There are also a number of class trips and shared Education events planned between now and the end of June – each class will provide this information separately.
P7 Shannaghmore Residential Trip Tuesday 7th – Wednesday 8pth May
New P1 Parents Induction Meeting (for Sept ’24) Wednesday 29th May @ 7:00pm
New P1 Pupils Story Afternoon Tuesday 11th June @ 1:30pm
P7 & Team Photographs – Lafayette Photographers Tuesday 28th May 2024
P5 – P7 Sports Day Wednesday 5th June (from 10am)
P1 – P4 Sports Day Thursday 6th June (from 10am)
EY & SP1 Sports / Fun Event , Tuesday 18th June – timing TBC
P6 ‘B-Buddys’ Playground Pals Training Thursday 6th June – In school
Exceptional Closure (Staff Training- No pupils in school) Monday 10th June
P4 – P7 Awards Assembly (early finish P1 – P3 @ 1:00pm) Thursday 20th June
End of Year Reports- will be sent home Friday 21st June.
The 2k fun run starts in Albert Basin Road at the Quays Shopping Centra at 10:35. The route progress from Albert Basin Road to Dublin Road Bridge, along River Street to Murphy’s Centra at the Warrenpoint Road. Runners then return to Albert Basin Road. All participants and parent/guardians should arrive in Albert Basin Road no later than 9:50.
All roads are closed, and official Race Marshals will be in place along the route.
Fun run participants are not allowed to wear any type of headphones or similar devices, (other than those medically prescribed), during the fun run.
All runners will receive a unique race medal, goodie bag and can enjoy a free ice cream at Murphy’s Centra, Warrenpoint Road, Newry after the race.
Please find below a registration form for anyone who might like to take part.
Closing date for applications is 2pm - Saturday 18th May.
World Book Day and Book Fair
World Book Day was a great success, and we were very impressed by the creativity of our pupils, parents, and staff with their costumes as well as the amazing potato book characters which were created. Thank you all for the trouble you went to – it was a lovely way to encourage a focus on books and reading in school. Congratulations to all our winners: Dressing up: Harper Tumelty, Ellie Kearney, Maya Palenta, Gracie Kearney, Annie Gordon, Arminas Barkauskas, Emilee Wilson & Serafima Agirina. The winning Potato Book Characters in each class were created by: Sasha Buga, Daniel Byrne, Arthur Wilson, Victoria Ivanova, Isabella Steele, Ella McAlpine and Emilee Gordon.
We also appreciated the support of parents who helped with our book fair from which we raised enough money to get over £200 worth of books for school which was very worthwhile.
Accelerated Reader Success
Reading is the most important lifelong skill we can nurture in our children. Over the last number of years in Windsor Hill we have made significant investments in books and provide access to the Accelerated Reading Programme from P3. This programme sits alongside our taught guided reading in school, and we have seen how it is benefitting our pupils, especially in enhancing comprehension. Children choose their own books to read within their ‘band’ which they quiz on to progress. In addition they accumulate ‘words’ (the number of words they have read in their chosen books). At the end of each term we acknowledge the top 5 AR Readers, as measured by their ‘word count’. Matthew Johnston, P5 is our top reader so far this year with over 1.7 million words read, Jack McAlpine, P7 came second with over 1.25 million words, third was George Murdoch, P5 with ¾ million words, Callum Ferris, P5 has read over ½ million words to be our 4th highest score and Lukas Gavenas, P7 has read over ¼ million words. Their certificates were presented in assembly. Congratulations to everyone on the progress made this term with AR.
Boys’ Hockey Success
Congratulations to our boys’ hockey team who performed extremely well in the recent NI qualifying tournament. They were narrowly beaten in the semi finals with hard fought ‘run ins’ by Edenderry, Banbridge. Mrs Jennett was delighted with how well the boys played and very much appreciated all the support Jonny Gregg has provided throughout the year. Congratulations to: Aleksander McGaffin, Ethan Gordon, Solomon Gregg, Erik Fletcher, Ethan Watson, Oliver Mallon and Callum Ferris.
Being Well, Doing Well Questionnaires
Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our request for parents input as we look to extend and improve our provision here in Windsor Hill, with a particular focus on improving Health and Wellbeing. Please feel free to share your views any time up until the beginning of term 3 when we will review the responses received at all levels and plan how we move forward.
Windsor Hill PS – Parent/Carer Survey
School Uniform
Wearing school uniform is a valuable way of instilling in our pupils a sense of ownership and belonging. In Windsor Hill we have always taken great encouragement from the support we have had from our parents adhering to our school uniform policy and being neat and tidy. Correct school uniform must be worn every day, with no jewellery, particularly earrings which are a health and safety risk.
Children who wish to wear the ‘Summer’ school uniform may do so from the beginning of the new term, weather permitting. This is not compulsory, and children may continue to wear the ‘traditional’ uniform throughout the year. Please contact the school office if you require information regarding the summer uniform.
School will close for all pupils for the Easter holidays on Wednesday 27th March @ 1:00 pm. An early dinner will be served in school as usual but there will be no Shandon Park Bus at that time so, please arrange alternative transport home for your child.
School reopens on Monday 8th April for our summer term.
Thank you for your continued support this term. I wish everyone an enjoyable Easter break.
We would like to mark the occasion by inviting pupils to dress up as a book character, fiction or non-fiction. For example, they could come dressed as an animal from ‘Dear Zoo’ (in their onesie), a character from ‘Goosebumps’ re-using their Halloween outfit, or come dressed as ‘Matilda’ in their pyjamas and slippers, carrying their favourite bedtime story. The possibilities are endless and we hope this activity will encourage the children to think creatively so that expense can be kept to a minimum.
Pupils are invited to take part in our ‘Extreme Reading’ challenge by bringing in a photo of themselves reading a book in an extreme or weird place, with interesting reading buddies or in an unusual reading den! We will then create a gallery of images in the main corridor for pupils to view. If you are unable to send in a photo, alternatively it can be posted on SeeSaw and the class teacher will print it ready for display.
School Council will be running a creative competition to mark World Book Day. Children are invited to turn an ordinary potato into a book character of their choice! They can use pens, paint, fabric, paper, recycled items or any other materials from home to add features and costumes to their potato. Entries should be submitted to their class teacher before Tuesday 5th March. A winner will be chosen from each class and announced on Thursday 7th March.
We are pleased to once again be hosting our annual Book Fair in school. This pop-up shop is packed with hundreds of the best children’s books for all ages – from award-winners and the newest titles to pocket-money pick-ups and treasured classics. The range includes picture books, early readers, chapter books, books for reluctant readers, older fiction, non-fiction, home learning and lots more. Books and other small items will be available for the children to purchase from Friday 8th March to Wednesday 13th March.
Our ‘Travelling Books’ Book Fair will take place in school from Friday 8th March to Wednesday 13th March. School benefits from commission on all books purchased at the fair. Children will have an opportunity to visit the fair and view books with their class on Friday 8th March. It will be open each afternoon to allow children to purchase items with a parent or relative.
We would appreciate the help and support of parents to supervise the fair in the afternoon.
If you are willing and able to help, please let Mrs Whiteside or Miss Nesbitt know.
Each child will be given a £1 book token which can be redeemed against a book costing £2.99 or more in participating stores, or used to purchase a free World Book Day 2024 book at Tesco, Sainsbury’s or Waterstones in Newry.
On Thursday 7th March, teachers will arrange for their class to take part in ‘DEAR’, in a fun and meaningful way.
Please see below copies of letters sent home.
I. McKane
This year our school photographs are once again being taken by Dougie from Cool for School Photography on Friday 26th January 2024.
Unfortunately photographs cannot be taken without parental permission.
Please register in advance to have your child’s photo taken and it would be helpful if you enter the eldest child’s name first -
Remember you do not have to purchase the photo unless you like it and will have access to a proof online before ordering.
It costs nothing to have the picture taken so we would encourage everyone to register. P7 swim on Friday, so we will try to their photos taken before they go swimming.
Please speak to either me or Mrs Whiteside if you require help registering or require any additional information.
Yours faithfully,
I. McKane
Wednesday 10th January 2024
Dear Parent / Guardian,
Welcome back to school after the holidays. We wish all our pupils, parents, and friends a Happy, Healthy New Year in 2024.
Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously to our Christmas Charity Collections and through our Christmas Concert ticket sales.
£1000.00 was donated to The Southern Area Hospice as well as being able to pass on your generous donation of food for the Newry Food Partnership which Natalie Trainor and Rev Scott McDonald from St Patrick’s & St Mary’s Parishes collected just before Christmas.
Open Enrolment for September 2024
Information regarding enrolment to primary school is now available on the EA website at https://www.eani.org.uk/parents/admissions
We have also uploaded information directly to our school website at: Admissions | Windsor Hill Primary School (windsorhillps.co.uk)
The P1 online application procedure opens on Tuesday 9th January 2024 and closes on 26 January 2024 at 12noon (GMT) with the deadline for supporting documentation being 4pm on Wednesday 31st January. While digital applications are preferred, support is available for everyone who needs it – just contact the office and Miss McKane will call you back.
Parents of children who are eligible to enrol next September are very welcome to contact the office to arrange a time to speak to Miss McKane, see around the school or discuss their child’s application.
Healthy Eating Policy – Healthy Breaks – parents continued support of this programme, which aims to reduce sugar attacks on young teeth, is appreciated.
For break time snack pupils should bring a healthy fruit snack & drink only milk or water.
Fruit can be purchased from the school canteen at break time costing 30p / portion. Please note, if you are sending a drink to school for lunch time that fizzy drinks are not permitted in the dinner hall or classrooms.
School Meals- It would be very much appreciated if payment for school meals is made on Parentpay or brought every Monday for the week with your child’s name and the days they which to have dinner clearly marked on the front of the envelope. Free school meals application forms are also available from the office for anyone who may be eligible. Please speak to either Mrs Whiteside or Miss McKane for more information.
School Uniform – As we begin a new year and a new school term, I take this opportunity to encourage everyone to wear full school uniform to school every day, except on the PE days when school tracksuit is permitted.
Due to health and safety concerns no child should be wearing earrings to school. Everyone’s co-operation with this request is very much appreciated.
Supervision before school - The doors to school open each morning at 8.45am, school starts at 9.00am. There is no school supervision before 8.45 am. Breakfast club continues to be available daily from 8am, cost £2.00 per day and should be booked in advance. (Email bookings are acceptable.) 2-3 club also continues to operated daily for P1 – P3 pupils, allowing them to be collected @ 3:00pm if this is more convenient for parents. Cost also £2/day.
Changes to contact details - Please keep us informed of any changes of address, telephone number or emergency contact details. It is particularly important that records of mobile numbers are up to date so that, in the event of an accident or illness, parents can be contacted quickly and to enable you to continue to have access to the text messaging service.
Football Club
It is scheduled that Fiona will resume Football club on Thursday 12th January, this will be the final session from last term. New registration forms will be distributed this week and should be returned by Wednesday 18th January for the next block.
School Attendance & Punctuality – The beginning of the New Year is an appropriate time to once again encourage all parents to ensure that our pupils are in school punctually every morning for lessons starting @ 9:00am. Being late and ‘casual’ missed days at school disrupts children’s routine and education - they really miss out!
Absences, due to sickness are unavoidable. If your child is unwell, particularly with a temperature, please follow PHA guidance to keep them at home. Don’t forget to send a written reason for the absence when they return. Additional sheets of absence note slips are available from the school office at any time.
School Closure reminder:
Exceptional Closures Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th February 2024
Half Term 14th - 16th February 2024
St Patrick’s Day Holidays Monday 18th March 2024
Last day of term before Easter Wednesday 27th March 2024 (Half Day)
At the beginning of a new term we trust that the children will all quickly settle again into the routine of school. If you have any concerns or are unsure of any matter regarding your child’s education or welfare, please do not hesitate to contact school.
In an emergency your first point of contact should be the Principal or Vice Principal but if you would like an appointment with the class teacher, arrangements for this can be made through either the principal or school secretary.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.
Yours faithfully
I. McKane
Below please find a copy of a letter forwarded by the Department of Education:
I am writing to inform you that Northern Ireland is included in a public consultation, launched recently by the Prime Minister, on smoking and vaping.
This eight-week UKwide consultation covers proposals to make it illegal for anyone born on or after 1 January 2009 to ever be sold tobacco products at any point in their lives.
The consultation also includes a series of proposals to clamp down on the sale and use of vapes by children and young people, including restrictions on flavours, display, packaging, and disposable vapes.
Comments in response to the public consultation are welcome from anyone, of any age, in Northern Ireland and may be accessed at: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/creating-a-smokefree-generation-andtackling-youth-vaping
Links to the Department of Health press statement and UK Government command paper are below.
https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/news/statement-uk-wide-public-consultationtobacco-and-vaping •
Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smokefree generation I would encourage you to respond to this consultation and to circulate amongst your school, pre-school or Early Years community as this is an important issue for children and young people in Northern Ireland.
Consultation responses will help provide evidence to consider whether similar proposals should be developed in NI to clamp down on the sale and use of vapes by children and young people.
The consultation will close for comments on 6 December 2023 at 11:59pm.
Yours sincerely
You are welcome to use the links above to provide your opinions on the issue raised.
I. McKane
Information regarding enrolment to primary school will be available on the EA website at https://www.eani.org.uk/parents/admissions just before the Christmas holidays.
As soon as further Department of Education guidance becomes available this will be forwarded to parents. While digital applications are preferred, support is available for everyone who needs it and a request has been made for a paper form for those struggling with online – contact the office and Miss McKane will call you back.
P1 applications should be made for children whose 4th birthday falls on or before 1st July 2020, including those who may have deferred their application last year.
Christmas is a particularly exciting time of year for our children, and we are very much looking forward to sharing this in school, especially this year as our pupils are preparing for their Christmas Performance.
Children can wear their Christmas Jumpers for the Santa Daily Mile on Friday 1st December. Hopefully the weather will be kind and we will get outside in our Christmas Jumpers.
If children wish to post Christmas cards to their friends, they can do so by posting in our Post boxes in the main corridor from Wednesday 6th December with deliveries from Thursday 14th – Tuesday 19th December. Post will be sorted and distributed by our P7 pupils. Please write the class as well as the name on the envelop please.
Each class will arrange their own Christmas party which will take place in the assembly hall. Pupils may wear their party clothes to school that day. Below are the dates chosen this year:
P7 – Thursday 14th December
P1 & P2 – Friday 15th December
P3 & P4 and P5/6 – Monday 18th December
P6 – Tuesday 6th December
SP1 - SPSLD Christmas Themed Sensory Play time – Tuesday 19th December
Christmas Concert – Christmas Cheer
It is planned that all our P1 – P7 classes will this year contribute an item for our Christmas Concert – ‘Christmas Cheer’. The performances will take place on Wednesday 13th December @ 1:30pm and Thursday 14th December @ 10am.
School will finish for all children at 3:00pm on Wednesday 13th December with the concert in the afternoon.
Tickets for the event, costing £5 each will be available at school from Tuesday 5th December 2023. Money raised through ticket sales will be shared between school funds and Newry Hospice.
We are inviting everyone to wear their Christmas jumpers on Friday 15h December 2023, which is also the date of our Christmas School Dinner this year. Pupils wearing their jumpers on 15th December are invited to bring a foodbank contribution – tinned food or non perishable food which we will pass on to the Newry Food Initiative, which has reopened in Hill Street and is co-ordinated by some of our local churches to support local families.
This year’s school Christmas dinner will also be served on Friday 15th December. It is important that Christmas Dinner is booked and paid for in advance.
Staff and parents are welcome to make a donation, through the office, to our chosen charity, Newry Hospice, in lieu of buying Christmas presents for pupils or staff. Donations can be sent into school in a sealed envelope at any time between now and the end of term.
The Newry Chamber of Trade Christmas Gala dinner takes place on Wednesday 6th December. Some of our P6 & P7 choir members have been joining choir members from St Patrick’s to prepare some Christmas songs to welcome guests to this charity event. The pupils attending are also treated to their tea that evening in the Canal Court, which we hope they will all enjoy.
End of Term
School will end at 12.00 noon on Thursday 21st December. There will be no dinners served that day.
There is no bus to Shandon Park. Please ensure that your child is aware of arrangements for going home from school at the end of term.
New Term
School reopens for all pupils on Monday 8th January 2024
As a staff we thank you all for your continued support and wish all pupils, parents and friends of the school a very Happy Christmas and healthy New Year.
A copy of this letter and all other correspondence sent home will be placed on the School website @ https://www.windsorhillps.co.uk/newsletters-and-letters-for-parents/
I trust you all had an enjoyable half term break last week despite the weather. We had some brilliant farming or Scarecrow costumes on 26th October for our Harvest assembly. We very much appreciated everyone’s help with this event and congratulate all our class winners: Mila Ljubetic Nanez, Ethan Fitzpatrick, Arthur Wilson, Theo Pynappels, Matthew Johnston, Emily Wilson, Cora Fitzpatrick and Emilee Gordon.
Week beginning Monday 13th November has been designated Anti Bullying Week in Northern Ireland. This Year’s theme is Make a noise about Bullying. While our whole school community actively encourages positive relationships between our pupils and strongly discourage bullying in school on an ongoing basis, Anti-Bullying Week provides an extra focus and raises awareness in a different way. During Anti Bullying Week, whether in PDMU / Paths or during class discussion, each class will take the opportunity to discuss the importance of Reaching out and together looking after each other.
This is an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique! There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or for parents to buy costumes. All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks to school, these can be any kind of socks at all, ‘silly socks’ if you are feeling creative and as colourful or plain as you like.
Pupils are also welcome to upload a picture of their odd socks to the class Seesaw page and from there they can be shared with the class.
As we progress into the winter, we have our seasonal bugs and colds about, and while we ask parents to be cautious and not to send children to school if they are ill, it is important that when your child is well that they attend school every day to achieve their full potential in school. Odd days off can unsettle children and result in pupils missing important stages in their learning.
While teacher do their best to catch children up on their return, it is not the same as learning in class together. Attendance is monitored monthly by the EA Education Welfare Service who will request referrals should attendance fall below an acceptable level.
https://www.education-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/de/attendance-matters-a-parents-guide.pdf Department of Education Leaflet for parents.
Christmas Concert
It is planned that we will have a whole school Christmas Concert on the afternoon of Wednesday 13th December and the morning of Thursday 14th December 2023. We plan to invite parents and friends to attend and are providing good notice so that everyone will get the date into your diary and have time to request time out of work as needed. (Further details about tickets etc. will be sent home towards the end of November.)
Traffic at the Gate
As the days get colder and the evenings close in, we ask parents to exercise caution at the school gate at pickup and collection. Mrs Henning works hard to keep everyone safe, but it is essential that everyone approached the school slowly and only park where they are not obstructing others.
Newry High School Open Evening
This year Newry High School’s Open evening is on Wednesday 22nd November from 7 – 9pm. Mr Brown and his staff would be delighted to welcome our P6 & P7 pupils and parents to see around the school. Application dates have not been published as yet, but our P7 parents will be applying for places in post primary schools around the beginning of February. Details of open evenings / days / afternoons for all other local post primary schools should be available on school websites or alternatively I would recommend that you contact schools directly for this information.
Thank you for your continued support and please feel free to contact school should you require any additional information.
School meals are a great choice, however if parents decide to provide a packed lunch, or morning break or snack, the department of Education are sharing the Department of Health guidance which may be useful for healthy eating tips and ideas.
The following have been recommended for parents:
• Healthy Lunchbox and Snack Ideas - YouTube
• Healthy Eating During the Primary School Years - YouTube
• Feeding the Under 5s - YouTube
• Nutrition for Teenagers - YouTube
Also for your information a number of pamphlets have been provided and are posted below. Paper copies of any of these pamphlets are available from the school office.
Dear Parent / Guardian,
As we settle into our new school year it is lovely to be greeted by such happy, smiling faces each morning.
Following positive reports on the convenience of being able to send money into school electronically, we are introducing ‘ParentPay’, an online option for sending money into school which we trust everyone will register for and once you get into the way of it, will be useful. Accompanying this letter are details of information on how you can active your account.
A ‘How to Guide’ is available @ : https://support.parentpaygroup.com/hc/en-gb/sections/6089568194577-Parents-and-guardians
Cash will continue to be accepted, but parents are asked to ensure that exact money is sent and clearly labelled.
In the interest of health and safety we ask everyone to adhere to the following:
Please ensure that the medical information on your child’s personal details form for this year are up to date and returned to school as soon as possible. – These forms are required every year. Up to date telephone numbers and email addressed for parents are also essential.
In the interest of pupils’ wellbeing and safety parents are asked to keep the area in front of the school gates clear by not parking vehicles along the ‘zig zagged’ area at drop-off and pickup times. Always use the small, red, front gate for entry and exit and ensure your child obeys the ‘lollipop lady’ who is there for everyone’s safety.
Pupils must stay on the pathway at the front of the school at all times.
Parents are also asked to show consideration to residents in the area and to be careful not to block private driveways along Church Avenue when parking to collect children.
If your child is absent from school, it is important that you provide a note explaining the reason for the absence on the day of his/her return to school. School is required to keep a record of attendances and absences on the SIMS computer system which is monitored by the Education Welfare Officer. Without an acceptable written explanation for an absence it will be recorded as unauthorised. Regrettably, phone calls, messages left on the answering system, and verbal explanations, whilst appreciated do not fulfil these obligations. Sheets of absence notes are provided for your convenience, but any written note is acceptable. (Further copies of absences notes are always available on request from the school office.)
Please note that staff cannot provide work for pupils who are on holiday during term time. Such absences are discouraged and are classified as unauthorised.
Yours faithfully,
Miss I McKane
We are looking forward to our Healthy Kidz Coaches returning to school next week for our PE lessons on either Monday or Wednesday during school.
On Monday's P4 - P7 can book in for hockey from 3 - 4pm while our P1 - P3 pupils can enjoy Fun, Games and Fundamentals on Wednesday afternoon between 2 - 3pm.
Pupils coming to hockey will be required to wear a mouthguard.
Mrs Jennett will send a seperate letter about this.
Please find a copy of the flyer below. Bookings for Healthy Kidz have to made on either website using the QR code. Alternatively the website details are also included on the flyer.
Restarting Arrangements – August 2023
As a school staff we are very much looking forward to welcoming children back to school after what I hope was a lovely summer break, despite the wet weather. We also look forward to getting to know our new parents in the coming weeks and months. P1 induction is slightly different, but our P2 – P7 children will meet their new teachers on Wednesday 30th & Thursday 31st August for two induction mornings from 9:00am to 12:30pm.
To help to reduce congestion at the gate on these two mornings P2 – P4 will be accompanied to the gate at 12:20pm with P5 – P7 following at 12:30pm.
Breakfast club is available each morning from 8:00am from Wednesday 30th August at a cost of £2.00 per day. Juice/milk and toast will be available each morning and the children will be escorted to their class @ 8:45am.
2 – 3 CLUB
It is planned that 2 – 3 club will operate from Monday 5th September and booking forms will be available in school and on the website next week. Cost is £2.00 per day.
Parents, other than P1 Parents, are asked not to accompany their children into the school building in the mornings.
The school door will be open from 8:45 am – 9:00am each morning and at the beginning of a new year we encourage everyone to arrive promptly so that classes can start on time @ 9:00am. On entry the children should all go straight to their own class. Please do not, if at all possible, allow your children to gather at the school door before 8:45am.
School dinners will begin again on Friday 1st September. Cost of school meals is currently unchanged - £2.60 per day or £13.00 per week. A menu for September will be available on the school website early next week with paper copies available from the office: https://www.windsorhillps.co.uk/school-dinner-menus/
Please ensure that those who may be eligible for free school meals and uniform grant have made a new application for this school year as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Free meals cannot be provided until clearance is given by the EA. Further details are available at EA: https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants . Anyone who has trouble with online applications should contact the office immediately where paper forms are available.
Payment for dinners should be sent to school on Monday morning in a sealed envelope with the pupil’s name and dates dinner is required written on the front. (Cheques can be made payable to 'Education Authority'. Cash can be sent with the exact money please.)
Healthy Breaks - as we endeavour to encourage and establish healthy eating habits with our children, in line with Department of Education Guidelines, we continue to operate a “milk and/or fruit only” break time snack. We once again ask parents for their continued support regarding this policy. Fruit may be bought from the canteen for 30p per item or portion, up to a maximum of two items. P1 have their own snack arrangements which Mrs. Jennett will inform parents about directly.
Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform everyday as this fosters a sense of identity and belonging. I trust that the excellent adherence to this request will be maintained throughout the year by all our pupils. Navy tracksuits and polo shirts may only be worn on designated PE and swimming days, and for after school sports activities. Alternative tracksuit tops, t-shirts and bottoms should not be worn.
Please ensure that all items of clothing and equipment are clearly named. ‘Sew-on’ name tags or indelible ink laundry markers are recommended; names written on labels with felt tips or biro pen quickly wash off.
The support of parents is invaluable as we strive to meet the needs of our pupils and encourage ‘Care, Courtesy and Consideration’ in all aspects of school life. In Windsor Hill we aim to put the best interests of your children as our first priority. Should you at any time during the year ahead have any queries or concerns, please contact myself or your child’s class teacher.
I hope you all have a lovely Bank holiday weekend and look forward to seeing the children on Wednesday 30th August.
It was an absolute delight to recognise the excellent attendance of six of our pupils whi had 100% attendance from September 2022 to June 2023.
Congratulations to you all!
To be eligible, you must be in receipt of one of the following:
Or, you are an Asylum Seeker supported by the Home Office Asylum Support Assessment Team (ASAT).
You should request a Proof of Benefits letter now via Get a proof of benefit letter. It will take at least five days to be sent to you. Once you receive the letter keep it securely and then upload a copy of the letter when you apply for Free School Meals and Uniform.
If you receive Tax Credits or Universal Credit you do not require the above letter but will be asked to upload the benefit entitlement or latest Universal Credit statement to our online application.
A Video to guide you through the process is also available on the Education Authority Site
Parents who require additional help with the process are welcome to call into school for help with the process. In previous years I was able to get a paper form, I will make that request again, but await a reply regarding availability of such this year. We will however work around this as needed.
Please note that meals cannot be provided for any child until your application has been processed and school has been informed that your child is eligible to receive free meals.
Everyone eligible is strongly encouraged to apply for free school meals and uniform grant, whether your child wants to take meals every day or not, and to do so as soon as possible, as delays are possible if you wait until August to apply.
Yours faithfully,
I McKane
P5 – P7 Sports Day is planned for Wednesday 7th June @ 10am
P1 – P4 Sports Day the following day, Thursday 8th June @ 10 am.
Both will take place on the MUGA Pitch at the front of school.
A text message will be sent out on each morning if these arrangements have to be changed due to weather.
Please note that trainers must be worn by everyone walking on the MUGA Pitch’s synthetic surface.
In the interests of children’s safety and to ensure that they do not miss their races, pupils should stay with their class until all their races are finished. Parents are also asked to ensure that no child is taken out of the school grounds without informing their class teacher.
Pupils may wear their own shorts, tee shirts and tracksuits (sports clothes, but not football tops) to school on their sports day and everyone should wear trainers on their feet for support.
If we are fortunate to have good weather a small bottle of water, a hat and sun cream are also recommended. We will provide a treat for each child after sports day, there will not items for sale, so no money will be needed.
As we move to the end of another school year, I also want to take this opportunity to inform you that Mrs Moore, who has been teaching in Windsor Hill for over 30 years, will be retiring at the end of term. Early retirement of course, but Mrs Moore will be missed as she has been a dedicated member of staff who has taught pupils and parents associated with the school. We wish her a long, happy, and healthy retirement.
Mr David Crutchley, the Newry and Mourne Child Evangelism Fellowship representative, has run Good News Club in school for P4 to P7 pupils in Term 1 & Term 2.
This term he is planning a ‘5 Day Summer Club’ for P2 – P6 pupils in school, 2.00pm to 2.45pm, from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th May.
All the children attending the club can leave school at 2:45pm for the week. The club will be in the assembly hall every afternoon – but may have to move to the library on Thursday to accommodate football club if it is wet.
Good News Club programme includes singing choruses, a bible story, memory verse and quiz. The volunteers working with the children have been trained by CEF and have AccessNI Enhanced Clearance Certificates in place.
David is very faithful to our school and we trust that the children will enjoy the format of the club.
Parents of pupils taking part are asked to ensure that their children are collected promptly at 2.45pm.
Please return the consent form to class teachers by Friday 19th May 2023 so that numbers can be finalised.
P4 – P7 Newry Mourne and Down Pantomime – Town Hall Friday 19th May 2023
P7 Shannaghmore Residential Trip Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th May
New P1 Parents Induction Meeting (for Sept ’23) Wednesday 31st May @ 7:00pm
P7 & Team Photographs Tuesday 6th June 2023
P5 – P7 Sports Day Wednesday 7th June (from 10am)
P1 – P4 Sports Day Thursday 8th June (form 10am)
Exceptional Closure (Staff Training- No pupils in school) Monday 12th June
P4 – P7 Awards Assembly (early finish P1 – P3 @ 1:00pm) Thursday 22nd June
The pupils are invited to come to school dressed around the theme of ‘Princes and Princesses’. This theme can be as loosely interpreted as you wish – Party dresses, Disney dresses. Alternatively, older pupils might choose to wear their own royally themed outfit.
The School Council are having an Eco Coronation Crown and/or a Coronation Cupcake / Cake Decorating Competition which will be judged by our cook Gillian. There will be a prize for each class for each competition. (See the school council flyer for more information.)
The School Canteen is providing a special Coronation portable ‘lunch in a box’ to make dinner time a bit different. Menu: Chips, chicken nuggets, juice and desert. Pupils are welcome to have school dinner that day but this is not compulsory. Those who are not entitled to free meals are asked to order their lunch on Tuesday 2nd May to allow the kitchen to prepare in advance. Pupils can also bring their own packed lunch which, weather permitting, they can have as a picnic in the school grounds.
During the morning games will be organised by the teachers in groups, we will also have some music kindly provided by Laurence Bellew from Newry Centre of Mission and each pupil will receive a commemorative gift to mark the occasion.
We hope that everyone will be able to participate and enjoy the day together.
Pupils are invited to dress up as a book character, fiction or non-fiction. For example, they could come dressed as an animal from ‘Dear Zoo’ (in their onesie), a character from ‘Goosebumps’ re-using their Halloween outfit, or come dressed as ‘Matilda’ in their pyjamas and slippers, carrying their favourite bedtime story. The possibilities are endless and we hope this activity will encourage the children to think creatively so that expense can be kept to a minimum.
Visits to Newry Library have been arranged for all classes. P1-P3 will visit the library for story time and singing. P4-P7 will have a guided tour and the opportunity to learn more about how the library operates and how books are organised. See the attached letters for dates and times of each class visit.
We are pleased to once again be hosting our annual Book Fair in school. This pop-up shop is packed with hundreds of the best children’s books for all ages – from award-winners and the newest titles to pocket-money pick-ups and treasured classics. The range includes picture books, early readers, chapter books, books for reluctant readers, older fiction, non-fiction, home learning and lots more. Books and other small items will be available for the children to purchase from Friday 10th March to Wednesday 15th March.
Parents' help with the book fair would be very much appreciated.
School Council will be running an art competition to mark World Book Day. Children are invited to draw their favourite book character on an A4 page and submit their entry to their class teacher before Wednesday 1st March. A winner will be chosen from each class and announced on Friday 3rd March.
Please consider donating your used / unwanted books to our charity book collection. Books do not need to be brand new but should be in good enough condition that others can read and enjoy them. Book donations can be left in the assembly hall from Monday 27th February until Friday 3rd March.
Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents’ or carers’ permission and even then only when they can be present. Remember online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time.
Accepting emails, messages, or opening files, images or texts from people you don’t know or trust can lead to problems — they may contain viruses or nasty messages!
Someone online might lie about who they are and information on the intemet may not be true. Always check information.
Tell a parent, carer or a trusted adult if someone, or something, makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or if you or someone you know is being bullied online.#
Link to a Utube Video with advice for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl_gZTQ9F7w
Further information for current Parents of P6 pupils may be available from https://www.education-ni.gov.uk/publications/transfer-process-post-primary-school-advice-parents-children-primary-six
They are starting a new group of pupils this month and would welcome interest from any pupil aged 8 plus who would like the opportunity to learn to play a new instrument.
There is no charge for these lessons and those participating can borrow an instrument, books etc. from the band.
This is an excellent opportunity for pupils to explore their musical talents with experienced tutors.
Please find below the leaflet from EA to guide you through applying for post primary places for your child for September 2023. Applications are preferred online, speak to Miss McKane if this is a problem paper forms can be made available.
It is very important that all the required supporting documents are uploaded and supporting information included with your application. Schools can only make their decisions based on the details you provide in your submission.
Applications must be made from Wednesday 1st February to Thursday 23rd February.
Pupils with Statements of Special Needs do not apply for a school place in this way – their schools have been requested at the annual review last term.
School Admission Criteria can be viewed at : https://www.eani.org.uk/search-schools .
This is a very important decision; it is vitally important that applications are not late – the closing date is 23rd February 2023.
The EA will be offering digital clinics in libraries. Details are available at: Admissions Clinics | Education Authority Northern Ireland (eani.org.uk)
Video guidance has also been posted on the EA website at: Admissions Videos and Guidance | Education Authority Northern Ireland (eani.org.uk)
I will also email this letter to parents who have provided an email address which should allow you to link directly with this information. Please do not hesitate to contact school for help if needed. This is a really important decision and providing the correct information on your application is essential.
I. McKane
We were delighted to be able to welcome James in to school this morning during the P5 & P5/6 Christmas Party to receive the cheque which will help to support the amazing work of the Hospice in our local community.
Mrs Moore - P1
Funded by Neighbourhood Renewal, we have reintroduced our 'Fruitful Fridays' programme which provides all pupils with free fruit on towards the end of the week for the next few months.
Grapes and Clementine oranges are easily shared around and proving a popular choice but in the comming weeks the selection of fruit available will be varied so that everyone will hopefully find things to suit them.
The fruit is left in classrooms for the children to help themselves to a healthy snack towards the end of the week, not just Friday so that it can be used up before the weekend.
Funding will allow this to continue with this provision until at least half term in February, and possibly longer.
Pupils can also continue to order fruit at 30p per portion from the kitchen daily.
Advice from the Public Health Agency re: The Increase in Streptococcal A infections within the community
Parents and guardians are being urged to be alert for the signs of group A streptococcal infections.
What to do if you suspect your child has Scarlet Fever
The PHA is asking parents to contact their GP if they suspect their child has scarlet fever or severe tonsillitis as early treatment with antibiotics reduce the risk of further complications.
The vast majority of children will go on to make a full recovery and PHA say can return to school 24 hours after starting antibiotics if they feel well enough to do so.
In school we continue to implement good hand and respiratory hygiene routines as these are important for stopping the spread of many infections including those listed.
Caution is advised - if your child is unwell, particularly if they have a temperature, infected throat, or swollen glands do not send them to school until you have consulted with your GP surgery.
Parents are asked to inform school should they receive a positive diagnosis of any of these infections, particularly of scarlet fever and we in turn will follow the reporting policies and procedures recommended by PHA.
Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information
PHA website: https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/news/scarlet-fever
NI Direct: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/conditions/scarlet-fever
I McKane
During the second week in November we used the Northern Ireland Anti Bullying Forum's Anti Bullying Week to once again focus our pupil's thoughts on coming together to look after each other and prevent pupils being subjected to any unkind action, particularly those which might be deemed to be Bullying.
The Education Authority, as they work to support schools on this important topic are also seeking the views of parents, pupils and the wider school community as they plan for the future. They are therefore inviting parents to share their experience and opinions in their annonymous survey which we invite you to participate in. Originally it had been published theor survey to coincide with Anti Bullying Week, but have extended it to receive more replies.
Christmas is a particularly exciting time of year for our children, and we are very much looking forward to sharing this in school, especially this year as our P1 – P4 pupils are preparing for their Christmas Performance.
Santa’s Daily Mile
Children can wear their Christmas Jumpers for the Santa Daily Mile on Friday 2nd December. Hopefully the weather will be kind and we will get outside in our Christmas Jumpers.
Christmas Post
If children wish to post Christmas cards to their friends, they can do so by posting in our Post boxes in the main corridor from Monday 6th December with deliveries from Monday 12th – Monday 19th December. Post will be sorted and distributed by our P7 pupils.
Class Christmas Parties
Each class will arrange their own Christmas party which will take place in the assembly hall. Teachers will inform parents directly of the date of their class party. Pupils may wear their party clothes to school that day and school will provide juice and some sweets / treats to enjoy at the party.
Christmas Performance – ‘The Bethehem Bake-Off’
It is planned that P1 – P4 classes will perform ‘The Bethlehem Bakeoff’ on Tuesday 13th December 2022. To enable as many parents as possible to attend there will be two performances, one at 10.30 am with a second evening show at 7.00pm.
School will finish for all children at 1.30pm on the day of the performances. The children taking part will be returning to school at 6.30pm for the 7.00pm concert.
Tickets for the event, costing £5 each will be available at school from Tuesday 6th December 2022. Money raised through ticket sales will be shared between school funds and Newry Hospice.
Christmas Jumper Day
We are inviting everyone to wear their Christmas jumpers on Thursday 15h December 2022, which is also the date of our Christmas School Dinner this year.
While the Save the Children Fund Christmas Jumper Day has been set as Thursday 8th December, our P1 – P4 pupils will be preparing for their concert, which is why we are delaying this until the following week.
Pupils wearing their jumpers on 15th December are invited to make a donation of £2 towards the Save the Children Appeal Christmas Jumper Appeal.
Christmas Dinner
This year’s school Christmas dinner will also be served on Thursday 15th December. It is important that Christmas Dinner is booked and paid for in advance.
Christmas Presents
The staff plan to continue to donate money to charity in lieu of buying individual presents for the children this year. The charity chosen to benefit is BPositive, a local children’s cancer charity. We also invite parents to contribute to this very worthy cause in lieu of presents for staff, donations can be sent into school in an envelope at any time between now and the end of term.
Shared Education Christmas Choir
With the return of the Newry Chamber of Trade Christmas Gala dinner on Thursday 8th December, we have been delighted to see our P7 choir members joining choir members from St Patrick’s to prepare some Christmas songs to welcome guests to this charity event. The pupils attending are also treated to their tea that evening in the Canal Court, which we hope they will all enjoy.
End of Term
School will end at 12.00 noon on Wednesday 21st December. There will be no dinners served that day.
There is no bus to Shandon Park. Please ensure that your child is aware of arrangements for going home from school at the end of term.
New Term
School reopens for all pupils on Thursday 5th January 2023
As a staff we thank you all for your continued support and wish all pupils, parents and friends of the school a very Happy Christmas and healthy New Year.
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Poppy Appeal collection in school. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Thank you in particular to our two P7 pupils who represented our school at this year's Remembrance Service at the War Memorial on Sunday morning. They were excellent ambassadors for the school at such a special service. It was also great to see so many of our boys and girls in their Cub, Scouts, Rainbows and Guides' Uniforms as well. Everyone looked very smart indeed.
Week beginning Monday 14th November has been designated Anti Bullying Week in Northern Ireland. This Year’s theme is Reaching Out. While our whole school community actively encourages positive relationships between our pupils and strongly discourage bullying in school on an ongoing basis, Anti-Bullying Week provides an extra focus and raises awareness in a different way. During Anti Bullying Week, whether in PDMU / Paths or during class discussion, each class will take the opportunity to discuss the importance of Reaching out and together looking after each other.
This year’s Anti Bullying Film: https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/anti-bullying-week/school-resources/primary-school-pack
This is an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique! There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or for parents to buy costumes. All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks to school, these can be any kind of socks at all, ‘silly socks’ if you are feeling creative and as colourful or plain as you like.
Pupils are also welcome to upload a picture of their odd socks to the class Seesaw page and from there they can be shared with the class.
Thank you for your continued support and please feel free to contact school should you require any additional information.
Yours faithfully,
I trust you all had an enjoyable half term break last week despite the weather. Thank you for your generous donations for the Food Bank – Rev S McDonald and Laurence collected a van full of groceries which were very much appreciated to support local families.
Poppies for Sale
Poppies and related items will be available to purchase in school until Friday 11th November this week. The children can purchase items at a ‘Popup Poppy Stall’ at the back of the Assembly Hall before school each morning and P7 will also sell items to anyone wishing to buy them around the classes this week. Money raised will be forwarded to the RBL Earl Haig Fund.
As we progress into the winter, we have our seasonal bugs and colds about, and while we ask parents to be cautious and not to send children to school if they are ill, it is important that when your child is well that they attend school every day to achieve their full learning potential. Odd days off can unsettle children and result in pupils missing important stages in their learning. While teacher do their best to catch children up on their return, it is not the same as learning in class together.
Attendance is monitored monthly by the EA Education Welfare Service who will request referrals should attendance fall below an acceptable level.
Governors’ Support Fund
In recent years Governors suspended their request for donations towards the Governors’ Support Fund, primarily as many normal school activities were not happening due to Covid restrictions. Thankfully things are returning to normal. This fund has traditionally been used to purchase items not normally covered by the school budget. At our last Governors’ Meeting members acknowledge that the current economic situation has added pressure to families, particularly at this time of year and are therefore deferring formally requesting donations once again this year. If however anyone feels that they wish to contribute to school funds they can do so, but this is totally at your own discretion.
Christmas Concert – P1 – P4 Bethlehem Bake-Off
It is planned that our P1 – P4 classes will perform a Christmas Concert – ‘The Bethlehem Bake-off’ in school on the morning and evening of Tuesday 13th December 2022. We plan to invite parents and friends to attend and are providing good notice so that everyone will get the date into your diary and keep the morning and evening free. (Further details will be sent home nearer the time.) Our older classes will get their chance to perform later in the year.
Traffic at the Gate
As the days get colder and the evenings close in, we ask parents to exercise caution at the school gate at pickup and collection. Mrs Henning works hard to keep everyone safe, but it is essential that everyone approached the school slowly and only park where they are not obstructing others.
Thank you for your continued support and please feel free to contact school should you require any additional information.
Thankyou to everyone for their very generous donations of nonperishable groceries for the Foodbank which the local churches are setting up in Hill Street in the coming weeks for the winter months - your kindness appreciated.
This is the last day of school for this half term - have a super break and stay safe if you are our celebrating Halloween.
Our P7 prefect system, which was suspended while we were all operating in class bubbles, is resuming. It has proven to be a very successful system acknowledging the extra responsibilities the senior pupils take on within the school.
The pupils were asked to apply for the job and to list the qualities they feel they could bring to this role. Many of the children’s responses were mature and show a willingness to positively contribute to our school community.
We are confident that every P.7 pupil will strive to set the good example expected in terms of the values we seek to develop within the school community.
The children are already looking forward to taking on this role and I am delighted that we have so many pupils willing to contribute to our school community.
The pupils were presented with their badges in Assembly and are looking forward to taking up their duties, an important one, as part of our PATHS Programme is to be Playground Pals on a rota basis. Do doubt our younger pupils will enjoy playing with the P7s.
This year we will be having a special Harvest Assembly on Thursday 27th October which will be taken Rev Scott McDonald.
Farming Themed Non Uniform Day
This is the last day for our pupils before the half term break, and to make it a little different we are having a rural / farming /harvest themed non-uniform day. Everyone is invited to swop their uniforms for jeans, shirts, wellies or other farming attire.
Pupils may also bring in a non-perishable item from the list below which we will donate to a local Food Bank. There will be a trolley at the door next week for any donations.
Milk – UHT or powdered Sugar 500g Pasta Sauces Sponge Pudding (tinned)
Soup Tomatoes (tinned) Cereals Rice Pudding
Teabags/Instant Coffee Rice / pasta Tinned meat/fish Fruit Juice – Cartons Longlife
Tinned vegetables/beans Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits / snack bars
Parent Teacher Meetings
Parent Teacher meetings have been scheduled to take place from Monday 24th to Thursday 27th October from 2pm each afternoon. Please note that all pupils will be leaving school at 1:50pm next week to facilitate these meetings.
There will be no after school activities during these meetings and there will be no Shandon Park bus.
Half Term Holiday
School will be closed from Friday 28th October to Friday 4thth November 2022 for half term.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back into school on Monday 7th November 2022.
Breakfast Club will operate as normal next week. All parents are welcome to book their children into Breakfast Club from 8:00am daily – booking forms are available from the office or the school website.
New Telephone System
A new facility has been added to the school telephone system which allows parents to leave a voice mail should your child not be able to come to school. You can however speak to Mrs Whiteside by pressing 2. While we hope this is convenient, we continue to need a signed absence notes for our records when pupils return to school.
In school our pupils made some delicious buns which they were able to bring home to share with their family and friends.
We very much appreciate the generosity of parents and friends who in turn donated to this worthy cause.
Mrs Moore also put her baking skills to great use, producing boxes of buns for which the staff made donations.
You can view some of the pictures of the children's baking and the tea party fun at home on the school website at:
P1 - https://www.windsorhillps.co.uk/our-macmillan-family-teacoffee-parties-2022/
P2 - https://www.windsorhillps.co.uk/autumn-term-1/
In school we encourage healthy choices and a healthy lifestyle in various ways - Our Daily Mile, availability of filtered water and our Healthy Eating Policy and healthy breaks. Please ensure that pupils only have water in their water bottles in school.
At the beginning of the new year it is an opportunity to foster these good habits. Please find below some leaflets to inspire and encourage healthy choices in lunch boxes.
Portions of fruit can be purchased from the kitchen daily at a cost of 30p per portion.
Here at Windsor Hill we are delighted to be taking part in the Healthy Kidz programme this year. This will mean a Healthy Kidz coach will be coming into our school every Monday and Wednesday for some PE sessions for the whole school as well as offering after school activities.
After school activities will begin week beginning Monday 19th September
Monday - P4 - P7 3:00pm to 4:00pm
WEdnesday P2 - P3 2:00pm to 3:00pm
The first block will be for 5 weeks costing £17.
All bookings and payment are made directly to the company and should be completed online using the link below:
Teachers will share further information on Seesaw
After School Sessions
Monday 3-4pm (Primary 4-7) Starting Monday 19th September - Healthy Kids - Multi sports
Wednesday 2-3pm (Primary 1-3) Starting Wednesday 21st September Healthy Kids - Multi sports
“We consider after-school life to be an important part in your child’s development and learning; to learn new and useful skills, beneficial in their school life and day-to-day activities – skills such as teamwork, better social skills, and critical thinking. We are proud to be able to offer these activities all delivered by professional coaches.
Healthy Kidz will offer a variety of activities in the after school sessions. If you would like your child to take part in these fun and engaging after school activities simply click the link below and sign up. It is very simple!
Book a space today
Given the year we have had with Covid, sickness etc. we were delighted that three of our pupoils achieved 100% attendance this year.
Congratulations to them all - 1 P4 pupil from Mrs Magill's class and two P5 pupils from Miss Nesbitt's class.
Get ready for Gadgeteers, arriving online and in your local library this summer.
Science is all around you! What do you love doing? Are you a brilliant baker? Or a mega music fan? Are you the tech wizard amongst your friends? Join the Gadgeteers for the Summer Reading Challenge to discover the amazing science and innovation behind the world around you, including some of your favourite things!
Curious? Perfect! Your imagination can unlock endless possibilities… We’re teaming up with Science Museum Group for a very special science-themed Challenge that will inspire you to use your imagination and creativity!
Gadgeteers will feature amazing books, awesome rewards, and plenty of ideas for cool experiments and activities to discover the science all around you. The Challenge will be brought to life by top children’s writer and illustrator Julian Beresford.
Are you excited to join the #Gadgeteers this summer? Keep an eye on our blog for all the latest Summer Reading Challenge news.
Click here to apply: Education Authority Meals and Uniform Link
Please note, as well as new applicants, parents/guardians of children who are already in receipt of Free School Meals and Uniform Allowance will need to apply again for the new school year.
You will need to register an account to apply. You will then be able to log back in to check your application.
For more information, visit our Free School Meals and Uniform Allowance page the EA website: https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants
Jubilee Celebrations
We very much appreciated the help and support of parents for the Jubilee Fun Day. The staff, including the kitchen staff put in a lot of work, including on the notice boards in our main corridor, to plan a fun and memorable day for everyone. We particularly appreciate the work put into beautiful costumes and the amazing baking and decorating which went into entries for the Jubilee Bake Off.
Check out the class pages for some excellent pictures of the fun had by everyone.
School is Closed to pupils on Monday 13th June
Please remember that pupils do not come to school on Monday next week as it is our last Staff Development Day. Teachers will be working on reports which will be ready to go home on Friday 24th June.
P7 Awards Assembly – Thursday 16th June
Our last Awards Assembly was in 2019, this year we are inviting only our P7 pupils and their parents to join us for a special Leavers Assembly on Thursday 16th June @ 2:00pm. To enable all staff to attend we will be having an early lunch and all P1 – P6 pupils should be collected @1:20pm.
Holiday Closures this term
I hope you all had a very enjoyable Easter break and are now all glad to be back as school. There is an extra day’s holiday this year because of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, this has therefore enabled us take Friday 6th May as a holiday following Thursday’s closure for the election.
Tuesday 3rd May School opened as normal for all pupils.
Wednesday 4th May School opened as normal for all pupils.
Thursday 5th May SCHOOL CLOSED – Polling Station for Local Elections
Friday 6th May SCHOOL CLOSED – Holiday
Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd June PLATINUM JUBILEE CLOSURE
Monday 13th June EXCEPTIONAL CLOSURE – Staff Day
Thursday 30th June Half Day closure
This term we also have lots of exciting events to look forward to like Sports Day, Jubilee etc. As soon as these dates are finalised we will let you know.
Thank you all for another term's hard work and support. Happy Easter!
As we look forward to a busy summer term we have many things to look forward to, hopefully in the sunshine. While we continue to limit movement around school we are looking forward to our normal summer activities like trips, sports days and a celebration for the Platinum Jubilee of the Queen in June. Dates and times will be shared as soon as they are confirmed.
We have been asked by the School Nurse Service to share the information below with parents:
The JCVI recommended in January that children aged five to 11 years in a clinical risk group, or children who are a household contact of someone who is immunosuppressed, should be offered two doses of the Paediatric Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine with an interval of eight weeks between the first and second doses.
Please contact your GP surgery of School Nurse at John Mitchell Place for more information.
Please note that pupils with Statements of Special Needs do not apply for a school place in this way – their schools have been requested at the annual review last term.
School Admission Criteria can be viewed at : https://www.eani.org.uk/search-schools . A copy of the criteria for all the local post primary schools can also be made available in the office.
Parents who wish to discuss their choices, or who would like help with online applications are welcome to make an appointment with me from Monday 31st January.
Interpreters can be made available if required but school should be informed as soon as possible as they have to be booked.
This is a very important decision; it is vitally important that applications are not late – the closing date is 23rd February 2022.
Please feel free to contact school if you require any further support or information. Please find below a video with a guide through the process.
Consultation on the potential development of a ‘Walking School Bus Programme’ in the Newry City area
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I have been approached by Martin Conlon, from the Neighbourhood Renewal Health and Welling Team who are exploring the possibility of developing a Walking School Bus Programme in Newry.
This is basically a group of children walking to school with one or more adults. The initiative encourages physical exercise with all its health and wellbeing benefits, but before moving forward the views of parents are being sought.
This is a consultation to gauge interest and explore the feasibility of such a scheme in our area, you are not committing to anything by sharing your opinion. Please share your opinion using the link below:
The survey will close on the 17th February.
Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information.
Yours faithfully,
I. McKane
School Year: September 2021 - June 2022
Term 2: 2021 - 2022
Most recent first.
Please be assured that our staff are doing all that they can to minimise the risk of Covid infection in school and also appreciate your help and co-operation with this.
Consistent Groups
In compliance with Department of Education advice to school we continue to operate ‘Consistent Groups (Class bubbles)’. All staff are wearing face coverings in corridors and public areas of school and enhanced cleaning and ventilation is rigorously adhered to in all classrooms.
Adults accompanying pupils into school
As we limit the numbers of individuals coming in and out of school and ask that only P1 pupils who may not be ready to come into school on their own are accompanied into school each morning. Everyone bringing pupils into school must wear a face mask.
Please find attached two letters emailed to parents in advance of the new term.
Term 1 2021 - 2022
Hopefully is won't be too long until we can have concerts and Carol Services together again, when it is safe to do so, but in the mean time I hope you enjoy the variety of Christmas Videos each class have prepared for you to enjoy - using the webste our talents may reach a global audience. Click on the links below to take you to each class's Christmas offering for 2021.
We look forward to welcoming all our boys and girls back to school on Wednesday 5th January 2022. The New lunch menu for Term 2 has been posted on the website and can be accessed using the link below: School Dinners Term 2
On Friday 17th December - Festive Friday - Christmas Jumper Day, our pupils very kindly donated food for the Homeless in Newry. We filled Miss McKane's boot and back seat with non perishable groceries which were delivered to teh Newry Larder in Mary Street this morning.
Thank you for considering Windsor Hill Primary School and trusting us with your child's education. Information to assist you with the application process for admission to our school is provided in the admissions sections of our school webiste - you might also find some information and links below. We hope you find it useful, and look forward to working with you and your child. All prospective parents are very welcome to make an appointment to visit school and speak driectly with Miss McKane. Appointments will however be made in the afternoons due to Covid Restrictions at present.
Applications for P1 for September 2022 are open from noon on 10th January to noon on Friday 28th January 2022.
It is very important that you get applications in on time
Windsor Hill Primary School Admissions Criteria
While online applications are prepferred by the Education Authority, paper applications can be made directly to school using a paper form.
For further information call: 028 30264047 or email: imckane521@c2ken.net
| MONDAY | TUESDAY Christmas Dinner
Week 4
(Amendment) |
Breast of chicken curry with boiled rice & naan bread or chicken & broccoli bake, garden peas, fresh savoy cabbage Gravy & mashed potatoes
Choc muffin or fruit & yogurt
Roast turkey, stuffing, cocktail sausages, baton carrots, Brussel sprouts, roast & mashed potatoes, gravy
Ice lolly
Roast breast of chicken or brown stew Herb stuffing Gravy, diced turnip. Baton carrots, mashed potatoes
Jelly pot or yogurt & fruit |
Spaghetti bolognaise or fresh breaded fish fillets or salmon fish cakes, lemon slice and tartar sauce, broccoli & cauliflower florets, mashed potatoes
Selection of fruit & yogurt |
Homemade margherita pizza or marinated chicken fillets with warm tortilla wraps
Salad selection, sweetcorn, traditional champ or chips
Artic roll or fruit & yogurt
While our whole school community actively encourages positive relationships between our pupils and strongly discourage bullying in school on an ongoing basis, Anti-Bullying Week provides an extra focus and raises awareness in a different way.
During Anti Bullying Week, whether in PDMU / Paths or during class discussion, each class will take the opportunity to discuss the importance of looking out for each other and using Kind Words – hopefully more than just one, as we interact with each other.
Should anyone be feeling sad or annoyed by others, one kind word can make such a difference.
Odd Socks Day is an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique! There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or for parents to buy costumes. All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks to school, these can be any kind of socks at all, ‘silly socks’ if you are feeling creative and as colourful or plain as you like.
Pupils are also welcome to upload a picture of their odd socks to the class Seesaw page and from there they can be shared with the class.
Odd Socks Day is supported by the CBBC personality – Andy Day and the Odd Socks Band who have created a song for the occasion. While this may not be everyone’s taste in music, (or maybe I am showing my age!), you can listen to this year’s Anti-bullying Anthem: ‘The Kids are United’ using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6hR6rTHFSk
Thank you for your continued support and please feel free to contact school should you require any additional information.
P7 pupils, Eco Committee and staff at Windsor Hill Primary School were joined by The Lord Lieutenant of County Down, Gawn Rowan Hamilton, members of the Board of Governors, Rev B Colvin, Chair, Mrs L Bingham, Vice Chair and Rev Scott McDonald and Councillor David Taylor from Newry Mourne and Down Council at their tree planting ceremony.
This newly planted tree is part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Windsor Hill was selected as one of the ‘city schools’ to receive this special donation of a pear tree which is now in their grounds. Further details about ‘Planting a tree for the Jubilee’ are available at: https://queensgreencanopy.org/
When we could all get together for whole school assemblies we presented our 'Best Classwork' Awards. This was a special time when pupils could share their success with friends and have their work recognised. We have a best classwork board in the main corridor in school on which we display one or two special pieces of work from each class completed the previous month.
In the absence of this opportunity this special achievement at school assembly, we are acknowledging these pupil's success on our school Website.
Congratulations to everyone this month and we encourage everyone to do their best to try to have their work displayed at the end of October.
We have a few more pupils to add when they return to school
While we generally try to limit the number of charity collections in school, this year in quick succession we have had two and appreciate so much the generosity and support parents, pupils, staff and the whole school community have made to both to Rory Best's Miles to Mayo walk and P1 & P2's Macmillan Coffee Mornign appeal.
We very much appreciate Rory taking the time to send his personal thanks to you all for your efforts.
Mrs Moore raised some funds for this worthy cause using her home baking skills - she sold delicious buns to staff. Mrs Jennett and Mrs Moore then planned tea parties with their class. Thanks to the generous donations received following their their tea parties at home we can send £870 to Macmillan Cancer Support.
We are pleased to celebrate and promote ‘Dyslexia Awareness Week UK 2021’.
The Edication Authority have produced an infographic with information on freely available resources and software that can support all pupils at home as well as in school. Please find below a digital link version of available resources for all pupils.
A link to the Literacy Service Homepage on the Education Authority website is included. This page offers advice, resources and helpful tips in the area of literacy difficulties that may be useful for pupils, parents and schools.
The software tools outlined are as follows:
Read&Write - which can help pupils develop their literacy skills and support curricular access;
0365 - a suite of apps including Word, PowerPoint and Excel with the built-in accessibility feature Immersive Reader. Office 365 gives you a cloud version of the apps we have all grown to love plus many more new ones. With Word, Excel and PowerPoint, pupils have the ability to work on a document on the move on any type of device, at any time.
It is compatible with any operating system as it is a web-based product;
Importantly, all pupils can now download this software at home to support them with homework and remote learning using their C2k username and password.
Please contact school should you need your child's username for downloading.
Useful sites you might also like to explore:
October 2021 - Three Week programme 3 sessions per week
Week 1 Start time: 7.30pm. Duration: 1.5 hrs
| TITLE | Outline | Audience | Presenter | Date of session |
Parenting Session | What is the hardest part of Parenting? | Parenting challenges have never been more apparent. Big and little moments can have powerful emotional impact on parents. This session will look at some common problems that parents face and ways to resolve them. Zoom meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85148783851?pwd=NFVKZ1dHTHovWkNKbGxxSG5JMHRIUT09 Meeting ID: 851 4878 3851 Passcode: 734728 | KS 1, 2 and 3
| Liz Jones | Tues 05/10/2021 |
Literacy Session | Taking the mystery out of phonics | This session will look at the essential word attack skills for reading, including phonics. The people attending will be introduced to Paired Reading which improves fluency, effective reading and comprehension. Zoom meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83400276855?pwd=dGtPb2kyMEh0N0tjUXN5S1gvTVljQT09 Meeting ID: 834 0027 6855 Passcode: 037575 | KS 1, 2 and 3 | Kate O’Hanlon | Wed 06/10/2021 |
Numeracy Session
| Addition and Subtraction: Is it enough for your children to get the answers quickly or do they need more than this? | Addition and subtraction are basic life skills and everyone should be good at them. While many think that getting the right answer is enough, this practical session will highlight why children need to understand the maths and have a better understanding than was previously expected. This is much easier than it sounds and we will be looking at easy, fun activities that parents can use with their children to ensure they are confident and successful during this crucial stage of their learning. Zoom meeting link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73130089958?pwd=eDFvR0xSRFAxNzlYMmhUM3VkdnlVQT09 Meeting ID: 731 3008 9958 Passcode: 0ZwYA1
| Foundation; Key Stage 1 | Colette Delargy | Thur 07/10/2021
Clare Dunn, Head of PE at Newry High School is helping Newry Olympic Hockey Club promote their new after school hockey club starting on Wednesday September 15th.
It will run from 3:15pm -4:15pm. It is open to Primary 7, Yr 8 & Yr 9 boys and girls of all abilities.
This is a free after school activity and a great opportunity for our young people who have missed out on so much over the last 18 months. This is a fantastic new sporting opportunity - please consider attending!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me, or Brian Lockhart who is the club chairman (07770655643).
flyer with all the information and a permission form are posted below
As a school staff we are very much looking forward to welcoming children back for another school year. Our P2 – P7 children will meet their new teachers in their new classrooms on Tuesday 31st August from 9:00 – 12:00 at their induction morning. Please see below a breakdown of the staggered finishing organised in June for our first day back:
P2 12:00 P3 12:05 P4 12:10 P4/5 12:15 P5/6 12:20 P6 12:25 P7 12:30pm
We ask our parents to continue to avoid gathering around the gate as much as possible as we all work to limit the continued spread of Covid.
While the department of Education Guidance has been relaxed somewhat, and we will endeavour to move forward, we do want to ‘hasten slowly’ and will continue most of last year’s procedures from last year. We will continue endeavouring to minimize movement in and out of school and our class groups for lunch, break etc. will continue as last year.
School bags, lunch boxes and personal stationery were reintroduced last year and this can continue. Children are also encouraged to bring their own clearly labelled water bottle into school. We would however encourage pupils only to bring in essential items, toys etc. from home are not permitted.
We are introducing a Breakfast Club on a trial basis this half term, from the week beginning Monday 6th September. We also plan to resume our 2- 3 club from Monday 6th September as well. (Separate details to follow)
Parents, other than P1 Parents, are asked not to accompany their children into school. Please leave pupils at the footpath inside the school gate. We would appreciate it if parents would try not to gather around the gate and move quickly from the school premises both in the morning and afternoon while maintain social distancing. Everyone coming in to the school building will be required to sanitise their hands on entry and a one-way system will be operated around the school.
Our ‘Trickle Arrival’ worked well last year and we intend to continue with it this year. The school door will be open from 8:45 am – 9:15am each morning for children to come in. On entry the children will go straight to their own class and should not accompany younger siblings to their classes. As a protective measure, we would ask parents to exercise wise judgement upon arrival at school and simply wait in the car for a few moments if there should happen to be a larger number of families arriving at the same time. Please do not, if at all possible, allow your children to gather at the school door before 8:45am.
Moving forward when 2-3 club is in place, to optimise teaching time and minimise class disruption, we are asking that all pupils stay with their class until the allocated finishing time each day.
The following finishing times are being trialled:
P1 1:40pm (From 20th September) Mrs Moore
P2& P3 1:50 pm Mrs Jennett & Mrs Chapman
P4, P4/5 & P5/6 2:50pm Miss McKeown, Mrs Magill & Miss Nesbitt
P6 & P7 3:00pm Mr Morrow & Mrs Kerrigan
We would appreciate it if the office is informed in advance if your child needs to leave school early for medical appointments so that we can, as far as possible have the children ready to go on time.
School dinners will begin again on Wednesday 1st September with arrangements being made for meals to be eaten in classes during staggered lunch breaks at ‘class tables’ in the assembly hall which worked well last year. A menu for September is available on the school website: https://www.windsorhillps.co.uk/school-dinner-menus/
Please ensure that those who may be eligible for free school meals and uniform grant have made a new application for this school year as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Free meals cannot be provided until clearance is given by the EA. This year applications were requested online. Further details are available at EA: https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants . Anyone who has trouble with online applications should contact the office immediately.
Payment for dinners should be sent to school on Monday morning in a sealed envelope with the pupil’s name and dates dinner is required written on the front. (Cheques can be made payable to 'Education Authority'. Cash can be sent but the exact money would be very much appreciated.)
If your family has been effected by the Government guidance on quarantine, particularly if returning from abroad, please email / phone the principal to inform us.
Do not send your child to school if your they or anyone you live with has any of the following symptoms, or has been identified as a close contact with anyone who has tested positive:
· a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature);
· a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual);
· a loss of or change in sense of smell or taste.
Please inform the office immediately if your child or immediate family member they live with are suspected to have Covid.
The classrooms may need to be protective bubbles, but our school will still have life and fun as we resume our learning together. Please try to keep the conversations about returning as positive as possible. Tell your children how much we are looking forward to welcoming them back. Despite the challenges and restrictions, we are confident that we can make learning enjoyable. It is so important that the children know that, along with you, we all want the best for them.
At the beginning of another year while we continue to control parental entry into the school, this does not mean that we are unavailable; just available in a different way. Feel free to call or email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Seesaw will also be available for communicating with school.
Sammy and his team have worked extremely hard all summer cleaning and sanitising. Procedures are in place for handwashing, enhanced cleaning etc. to protect us all as much as possible. I assure you, that as a whole staff we will do all we can to nurture our pupils all back into school, but with a sense of getting on with it and moving forward as positively and productively as possible. Our procedures and routines will be reviewed and updated regularly as we strive to minimise inconvenience for parents.
Your patience, co-operation will be very much appreciated. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any further questions or concerns.
Yours faithfully
I. McKane
Scroll Down for Archive of September 2020 - June 2021
Venue: Newry Olympic Hockey Club, Belfast Road, Newry BT34 1QA
Time 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Open to anyone aged 9 - 13 years old
Consent forms must be completed and brought on the day.
Snacks will be available on the day however anyone with food allergies must bring their own.
For more information please see the attached sheets below. All P5 - P7 pupils got a flyer with the permission form on the reverse.
Windsor Hill Primary School
Jurassic Ark Encounters NI
In the absence of classes going out of school for trips at present, a visit into school, by Jurassic Ark Encounters NI has been arranged for next week. This is a local company who provide ‘Educational Animal Encounters’ with Reptiles and Amphibians. The children will see the animals up close as well as learn about their lifecycle, natural habitat etc.
There is no charge to pupils towards the cost of this visit. It will be managed in line with our covid procedures with classes visiting the animals in the assembly hall in their class bubbles. The children from P4/5 to P7 will see the animals on Wednesday 16th June, while the younger classes are booked in for Friday morning (18th June).
We hope this will be a new and interesting opportunity for our pupils, but please inform your child’s class teacher in writing if you would rather he / she do not participate.
Please feel free to contact me should you require any more information.
Yours faithfully,
I. McKane
Summer Reading Challenge 2021; a celebration of nature and action for the environment, in partnership with WWF UK. Get ready for Wild World Heroes, arriving online and in libraries across Northern Ireland this summer.
Children age 4 to 11 can join the World Wide Heroes for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge to discover how they can make a difference to the environment. Produced by The Reading Agency and delivered in partnership with libraries, we’re teaming up with WWF for a very special nature themed challenge that will inspire children to stand up for the planet.
The Summer Reading Challenge will take place from 19 June until 18 September. Children can sign up at their local library, choose their reading goal then read any books to collect special stickers and other rewards along the way – all for FREE. There is a digital platform too, so the fun can carry on at home! Children can read whatever they like in their chosen format – fiction, fact books, poetry, joke books, picture books, graphic novels, audio books and eBooks. Everyone who completes their personal challenge will receive a certificate and medal.
The Reading Agency’s annual Summer Reading Challenge really helps by getting over 700,000 children regularly into libraries over the summer, with thousands more taking part online. There is no other free reading activity that involves so many children, introduces families to their library, encourages children to choose books freely and independently and is endorsed by parents and teachers.
There will be more information on the Libraries NI website www.librariesni.org.uk and social channels over the next few weeks so please keep a look out for further updates.
The Covid Helpline, managed by Advice NI is available for those needing support:
Freephone number: 0808 802 0020
You can also get in touch by email, text message or web form:
email: covid19@adviceni.net
text: ACTION to 81025
Complete a form on the Advice NI Website
The videos below can all be downloaded for use:
· Amy's COVID-19 incubation video: https://vimeo.com/488071904
· Dave's symptoms, testing and tracing video: https://vimeo.com/469707818
· Close contact definition: https://vimeo.com/500380372
· Digital self-trace - how does it work: https://vimeo.com/484096114
Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Jennet couldn't wait to try them out!
Included in the picture above is Kevin Henry and his helpers, the talented gentlemen who made the bus and kitchen for our pupils to enjoy.
The children were very excited to investigate their new equipment this week.
If you feel your little one is worrying about coming back to school please do not hesitate to contact the Principal or class teacher who will work with you to make this transition as smooth as possible.
RISE NI have created this short video clip to help parents support their child’s return to school, to help cope with any worries or fears children may have going back into their classrooms.
Understanding Childhood Worry & Anxiety
Please watch this short video clip to help parents to support their child with feelings of anxiety or worries.
You may also find other useful links on the RISE WEBSITE.
Parents have started to call requesting information about the new process. Please be assured everyone will be provided with as much support as they need, and you have plenty of time to prepare. You can begin by having a look at the local post primary school websites and review their admission criteria. All Post Primary Schools have 'Virtual Open Days' available on their websites. Take time with your child, to look at these now.
Admission Criteria will be published and are available on the EA Website
The Post-Primary application process will take place online, for the first time, in 2021. The application process will be open from 12 noon on 1 March and will remain open until 4pm on 16 March. Please see our parent checklist that may help you prepare for the process or visit our website for more details.
The Post Primary online application procedure opens at 12 noon on Monday 1 March 2021 and closes at 4pm on Tuesday 16 March 2021.
Parents access the outcome of their child’s application via the online portal
P1 Applications went online for a few years and this was straightforward. We are therefore confident that the process will work relatively smoothly. It is however very important that parents do their 'homework' now with their children, make their choices and know which criteria apply to them.
It is important, particularly for those who wish to apply to over subscribed schools, that careful consideration is given to the admissions criteria and time is taken to ensure that parents clearly state how they meet the set criteria on the admissions portal when applying, particularly this year, where test results are not available to be used.
World Book Day is a celebration of books and reading in school - It is an opportunity to encourage our children to read for learning and pleasure. This year we are having a 'Potato Challenge' where the children are being asked to decorate a potato as one of their favourite book characters. Further details are available on the children's class Seesaw Page.
We look forward to seeing their finished products next week.
Some ideas are available on pinterest
School is closed to pupils all of next week for the half term break. While most of us have not been in the building, it will be a break for everyone from 'Remote Learning'. Let's hope it warms up a bit so that we can get outside to enjoy the first signs of new beginnings - like the snowdrops.
Congratulations on how well you have all done this half term and enjoy the break.
NI 4 KIds - February ONLINE Magazine
Pupils will need their C2K username to do this. This is their login when they logging in to the computer network in school. Their initial, surname and 3 numbers. If you need reminded of this please contact imckane521@c2kni.net and it will be sent to you.
Please find attached the staff information sheet which is the most straightforward guide to installing the package on to your home computers.
(9:00am – 3:00pm or 2:00pm for younger pupils if this is more convenient). Everyone must book in advance on a weekly basis so that staffing can be finalised.
Covid Reminder
Do not sent your child to school if they are unwell, particularly if they have any covid symptoms:
The children are being supervised by members of staff operating on a rota between 9:00 – 3:00pm.
Next week P1 – P3 children should come into the P3 classroom via the Emergency Exit in the carpark.
P4 – P7 pupils are asked to come in through the side door in front of the office and go upstairs to the P5 classroom.
Please note - School Dinners are not available in school at present.
Children should bring a pencil and a rubber, their morning snack, packed lunch and a water bottle with them.
Support is Available -
We really want this to work for everyone. Our teachers are extremely conscientious and are working hard to plan interesting, varied, fun activities at your child's level.
Please do not hesitate to contact school if you are having any connection issues, need advice. Copies or booklets can be made available from the school office - but must be 'ordered' and collected at a prearranged time.
This morning our Covid Link Officer provided the following links to pointers, tips and advice which parents might find useful to help establish routines with your children over the following weeks. We all want this to be as constructive as we can make it for your children.
7 tips for Supporting Reading at Home
Helping Home Learning - Read with TRUST
Helping Home Learning - Read with TRUST - Comic
Supporting Home Learning Routines - Planning the Day
Congratulations to this year's 'Eco Warriors' who were chosen by their class mates. Mrs Kerrigan will be delighted to get your ideas and help to maintain our school grounds and ideas for recycling. Our Eco Flag shows our care for the school and the environment.
A new ‘Phone First’ service is being trialled at Daisy Hill and Craigavon Area Hospital Emergency Departments and South Tyrone Minor Injuries Unit from today (Monday 30th November).
Patients including children, who are considering attending with an urgent but not life threatening injury or illness are being asked to ‘Phone First’.
The service will operate 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
The ‘Phone First’ number to ring is 0300 123 3 111
Text relay number is: 18001 0300 123 3 111
Please find attached below a letter sent to parents on Thursday 12th November and links to this year's 'Antibullying Anthem' from Andy and the Odd Socks - 'The Kids Are United'.
By now I am sure, through TV, radio or social media, you are aware that schools have been instructed to finish this Friday, 16th October for an extended Half Term holiday by the Department of Education. I can only apologize for the inconvenience that this late announcement may cause working parents at this time. It is planned that school will reopen to all pupils on Monday 2nd November.
The Department of Education have designated this as an extension to our half term holiday as distinct to learning moving home as happened last March. Some of this time off has to be taken from our school holiday allocation with the department allocating additional ‘Exceptional Closure’ days to cover the closure. I therefore have to make another change to our annual holiday list. (An updated holiday list will be posted on the school website as soon as it has been confirmed with DENI).
While most KS1 & KS2 classes have already got reading and spelling lists home for next week which teachers would welcome your continued help with, please note, as directed by DENI, work will not be posted on the school Website or Seesaw for the children during the two weeks of this half term holiday.
Free School Meals
During the week beginning 19 October direct payments will be made to pupils in receipt of Free School Meals.
School App & Messaging
Many parents have signed up for our school App. Using the App, letters like this one, go directly to your phone or email account. While it is appreciated that not everyone uses email, it is proving a quick and efficient means of getting information to parents and we would encourage as many parents as possible to make use of it, especially at this time. You are welcome to email: imckane521@c2kni.net including your mobile telephone number and child’s name to be included in future emails.
Foundation Stage Macmillan Collection
Sincere thanks to everyone who so generously donated to the Macmillan Coffee Morning. Please check the P1 & P2 class pages on the school website for a flavor of the experiences enjoyed by the pupils both preparing for the event and at home in aid of this very worthwhile charity. P2 have also added a little video to say thank you. The amazing amount of £908 has been sent to the charity. We appreciate the work put in by our P1 & P2 staff, particularly Mrs. Moore’s who coordinated the event.
Continued Vigilance Please
Please continue to keep up your guard and stay safe during half term. We really want everyone back in school to learn together after this two week break. We continue to remind children to remain in their class bubble and regular handwashing while in school.
Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell and especially if they have any Covid 19 symptoms:
The PHA & EA’s latest guidance poster which includes testing information has been posted on the school website at: https://www.windsorhillps.co.uk/newsletters-and-letters-for-parents/
Please feel free to contact school for any further clarification.
Yours faithfully,
Miss I McKane
Congratulations to all our pupils whose work was chosen by their class teacher this month for the best classwork board. Each child received a certificate and Windsor Hill 'Well Done' pencil this morning to recognise their achievements. Our best classwork board is updated monthly. We look forward to showcasing further good work throughout the year.
We usually celebrate this success at Assembly, but in the absence of whole school assemblies at present we want to show everyone through our website.
(Please note we do not publish pupil names on the website - the reason for the blanked out certificate).