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Half term Holidays - Monday 28th to Friday 1st November. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 4th November.
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Week beginning: Monday 22nd June – Tuesday 30th June

Hello everyone, I hope you are all keeping well. We have just over one week to go until the Summer holidays! Yehh! Thank you once again for all your hard work this term – it hasn’t been easy for anyone, but you have all done a great job! Well done! I have really enjoyed hearing from you all throughout the term and seeing samples of your wonderful work and all the lovely baking and crafts you have been doing! It is sad that we aren’t together in the classroom to share all our lovely memories of Primary 2 at this time, but I have uploaded some activities to help remind you of our year. There is also a fun experiment to complete. Remember to send me some of your wonderful photos! Later this week I hope to upload some photos of our memories from throughout the year and a little personal message from myself, so keep an eye out in ‘messages’ from me! Please remember if you need to contact me about anything or even just to say hello, my email address is Have a safe, wonderful and fun-filled Summer everyone and I am looking forward to seeing you all when school starts back again. You will have all gotten so tall I’m sure! Take care everyone!

Mrs Jennett & Mrs Morton xxsmiley


NEWCOMERS – No new work added this week so just continue to revise over all initial sounds. You may continue to work on CVC words over the holidays, if you wish, as well as completing work on at ‘Addition to 5’. See NEEWCOMERS folder in Home School Activities.



APPLES, PEARS, NEWCOMERS – End of Year Book/Favourite Memories. Attachments will be in a new folder named ‘End of Year’, found in Home School Activities/Literacy/End of Year. I have uploaded a fun End of Year booklet and Favourite Memories activity for you to complete this week. You can choose one or the other or complete both if you wish. It will be a nice reminder of all the lovely things we have got up to this year. Have a look back through our Class page and look at the photos uploaded. Also have a look at the Class book photos I uploaded back in March to remind you of our year. What a great year we have had!! Also look out for my message during the week!


  • Linguistics & Spellings – There will be no set spellings, and no new activities uploaded this week. If you wish to continue with phonics revision you may continue with the work uploaded from last week. Over the Summer you may continue to practice key words from your reading diary as well as revise over the sounds covered in your spellings. I have added 100 HFW’s checklist for anyone wishing to keep up with their key words over the Summer. That will prepare you well for Primary 3! Found in Home School Activities/Literacy.
  • Reading – There are no new reading books assigned this week but you can continue to log on and select your own books from MyOn to read if you wish as well as continuing to use OxfordOwl for Online reading resources. Try to keep some reading going over the Summer and continue to discuss and talk about the stories. 
  • APPLES – There is no set work uploaded this week. If you wish, you could finish your Numbers to 20 booklet over the summer. See Home School Activities/Maths/Numbers to 20.
  • PEARS – There is no set work uploaded this week. If you wish, you could finish your Numbers to 20 – booklet 2 over the summer. See Home School Activities/Maths/Numbers to 20.
  • 'Hit the Button' is a really good online maths game for keeping your addition and subtraction facts sharp. So try to play it over the Summer if you can to help with your number facts. See link in Online Activities.
  • ActiveMaths – You may continue to log in and play the maths games and activities that have been assigned to you on ActiveMaths. Enjoy!


I have added a fun Scavenger Hunt for you this week. Let’s hope the weather picks up to enable you to get outside and hunting for all the things on the list. Happy hunting everyone! Let me know what you found! There is also a fun ‘Beach Hunt’ for when you are at the beach over the Summer – just a few things you can look out for! Find attachments in Home School Activities/World Around Us.



I have added a ‘How to Grow a Rainbow’ activity. My children did this experiment during the week and they really enjoyed watching their rainbow grow. Give it a go! Found in Home School Activities/How to Grow a Rainbow.


PE – Continue to get active each morning with Joe Wicks with PE with joe. Stay active and have lots of fun outdoors too if you can!



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