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Europe Project

Europe Project


For this project you need to choose and research one European country.

You should research:


-Geography (including location, size, major cities, borders, bodies of water etc.)

-Flag (picture and meaning)

-People (nationality, language, religion, national symbols etc.)

-Economy (currency, major industries, imports and exports etc.)

-Traditions (e.g. food, music, costume)

-Other Interesting Information


In school, we usually create this project as a tri-fold leaflet using Microsoft Publisher, but you can create your project however you like. You may want to use a computer programme or app, or you may want to record your information by hand, perhaps in booklet, fact file or scrap book format. Perhaps you have another idea! 


The websites below will help you to complete your project, but you are not limited to these. You have until Friday 5th June to complete your project (3 weeks).

Good luck!


CEOP link