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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Week beginning 4th May 2020 - Home Learning - Information and Work Activities

smiley Hello everyone again,

I hope that you are all well. Welcome to another week of "Home Learning". Please remember that Friday 8th May is a holiday, so please take a rest from your school work and enjoy some extra family time together. Remember also, to work through the material provided for this week, (some of which again will need to be printed), at your own pace. As before, please feel free to contact me via email at and send me photographs of your work and family fun times too. Thanking you all again and continue to take care and stay safe.

                       Lots of hugs,

                                           Mrs Moore x.heart







                                                        Language and Literacy


  • Handwriting - Continue to form upper and lower case letters correctly and try to write neatly on the lines. 
  • Writing sentences - Continue to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces between words. Sentences also need to make sense. (Please remember again that some children will require different levels of support for this - some writing independently / some requiring a little support to structure ideas and some will say what they want to write and an adult will write this for the child to copy).


  • Activities:
    • Play "Sky Writer" on ""  - letter formation revision.
    • Again, look for sentences in story books - pointing to capital letters and full stops.
    • Complete "Where Is Ted?" - (finish the sentences) worksheet - pointing to the capital letter and full stop in each sentence.
    • My Diary - continue written weekly entries - using your "useful" words on the "Learning Tree" in your diary and your knowledge of phonics to spell unknown words.
    • Independent writing - write about your pet - (if you have one / or a pet you would like to have, if you don't have one) - again using your "useful" words and phonetic knowledge to spell other words. (*Remember capital letters / full stops / finger spaces etc for sentences). Draw a picture too.



  • Revision - Continue naming and sounding out all letters of the alphabet.
  • Recognise the "sh" sound.
  • *(Those children working on group 1 sounds - focus on s,a,t,p,i,n sounds this week) - name the letters and identify the sound each letter makes. Write the letters s,a,t,p,i,n too. 


  • Activities:
    • Use sound cards in orange folders for quick recall of sound and letter names recognition - for all alphabet letters - practise daily.
    • Play "Phoneme Pop" on ""  - phonics revision.
    • Introduce the "sh" sound. Cut out pictures of things beginning with this sound and stick on a page eg. "shoe", "ship" etc.
    • Look for items around your home beginning with "sh".
    • Worksheets (3) - make the "sh" book, colour the things beginning with "sh" and write the correct beginning sound "sh" / "ch". 
    • *(Those children working on group 1 s,a,t,p,i,n sounds) - Complete worksheets below (6) - Letter formation etc. for these sounds and watch  "CBeebies"- "Alphablocks  A to Z". Play Alphablocks jigsaw. 


Talking and Listening:

  • Children continue to recount and talk about their own experiences e.g family events etc – using details such as who, what, where, when and why. 
  • Continue to use an extended range of vocabulary.
  • Continue to ask and answer questions.
  • Continue to listen to and join in with a range of stories, poems and rhymes.



  • Please continue to enjoy stories with family members at home, on the CBeebies website and continue to download eBooks and audio books from "NI libraries" and "Oxford Owl". Lots of new books have been added to these. In addition, your child has been assigned some reading books on an online reading programme, called "MyOn". (see separate letter for "MyOn" - "Parent Guide To MyOn". Please email me for your child's password, to log on to this.) (The books in this programme are however, quite difficult. If you find that your child is struggling with these, please read the book together with them and also continue to download the eBooks from "Oxford Owl" for more independent reading and read from the free "eBook Library"  in this order - (Levels - "Book Band Levels" - Lilac - (picture story books) - Pink - Red - (books with simple text / words) or "Oxford Levels" - (1) - (picture story books) - (1+) - (2) - (books with simple text / words).
  • Continue to enjoy information books about our current topic "Animals".
  • Please remember to continue learning to recognise all the words enclosed in your homework folder, in your first learning pack - to build up your sight vocabulary. Make sentences using your flashcards and read - practise daily. "IXL English" - (Reception) - skills - "Sight Words Practice". 'Find the Word', 'Choose the two sight words' & 'Choose the sight word you hear'. 


  • Activities:
    • Continue talking about the "parts" of a book - "title", "cover", pages", "spine" and also the "blurb", "author" and "illustrator" etc. "IXL English" - (Reception) - skills.Identify book parts activity
    • Continue to recognise capital letters, full stops and sentences in books.
    • Continue to identify some familiar words in the text.
    • Continue to use knowledge of phonics to sound out unfamiliar words.
    • Continue to identify characters, settings and endings (happy / sad) in stories.


(* angel Please practise all the Literacy skills you have learned in Primary 1 to date, over the next few weeks, on "IXL English" - (Reception). Work through all the 48 skills at your own pace - there is lots to do for everyone! *)

Parent Guide to "MyOn"









                                             Mathematics and Numeracy:


Activities shall be set out for the different aspects of Mathematics and Numeracy for this period of "Home Learning" as follows:-


Note *(As before, those children who still have some activities in their "New Heinemann Mathematics - Numbers To 10" workbook and also in their classwork books to complete, please continue to work on at these, at your own pace. When you are confident counting, writing and recognising each number, introduce yourself to the next number). I have also included an "All About Numbers 0 - 10" booklet below, for you to complete also, over the coming weeks). 


Numbers / Mental Maths:




I hope that your "Time" work from last week went really well and you can now tell "o'clock" times on an analogue and digital clock. Some revision work this week to further improve your ability in this area of Mathematics.

BBC Bitesize - Time - Foundation Stage


Measures / Time:

  • Continue to name the days of the week - practise daily.
  • Continue to talk about "special" times in the day - day and night /morning and afternoon etc.
  • Continue to identify the "hour" and "minute" hands on the clock face. ("Whole Class Clock")
  • Continue to recognise "o'clock" times on an analogue clock (within 6 /12) - Talk about the position of the "hour" and "minute" hands.
  • Continue to match analogue and digital "o'clock" times (within /12). 


*(Please assess your "time telling" skills on "IXL Maths" - (Year 1) - "Time") in the following areas:-  



Money / Financial Capability:

  • Talk about why we have to pay for things.
  • Talk about different ways to pay for things - "BBC Bitesize Primary" - Northern Ireland - Foundation Stage - "Maths and Numeracy" - Measurements - ("Money").  (cash, coins, notes, credit card, cheque, phone app etc.)
  • Recognise coins - 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Sort a collection of these coins.
  • Count and make amounts up to 10p using pennies - worksheets (4) to complete.
  • Talk about what we can do with our extra money - save, give it to charity etc.
  • *Those children who find working with number values up to 10 difficult, can work with 1p, 2p and 5p coins and make amounts up to 5p with pennies.


*(Please assess your "money" skills on "IXL Maths" - (Reception) - "Money" ) in the following areas:-


*(Don't forget the "Active Learn" tasks assigned to you - for further learning).









                                                      THE WORLD AROUND US

We shall continue work on our topic "Animals" in connection with our sub-topic "Spring". This week we shall be thinking about "Living Things". 


  • Activities:
    • Revision - Identify living and non-living things in our world - (worksheet) - cut out pictures of things that are alive / not alive and stick on the appropriate place on the page.
    • Understand the need to care for living things.
    • Talk about how you care for animals - (food, water, shelter, exercise etc) and plants - (water, light, space to grow etc)









                                                       All About Me - (P.D.M.U)

We are continuing this week, to think about ourselves as "living things" and as very important members of our families.


  • Activities:
    • Look at the photographs of all your family members on your "Family Tree".
    • Look at yourself in a mirror - the colour of your eyes and hair etc.
    • Draw a picture of yourself on the "Hello, this is me!" worksheet - colouring your eyes and hair the right colours.
    • "BBC Bitesize Primary" - Northern Ireland - Foundation Stage - "PDMU" - ("All About Me - What makes Us Special").







                                                                     ART / CRAFT



  Topic artwork (Animals / Spring):-

  • Activities:
    • Make an animal using "junk" materials e.g kitchen roll tubes, cardboard boxes etc.







                                                             PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES.



Remember to link to the live P.E sessions with celebrity Joe Wicks and dance classes with Oti Mabuse.

CEOP link